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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Rayray

  1. I disagree to this, my dagger sinx uses legendary set just a week ago and I've been killing people. Damage still the same, just that I need to put a bit more stats points on each stat to get it on par, but shouldn't be that hard. If I was using a stalker on legendary gears it would have been easier.
  2. It's not actually the game's fault entirely, it was some of the players.
  3. Use the class you don't get bored with. I loved the biochemist class to the point that I farm with it.
  4. Actually. All classes can be made "brainless". We all know an LK that only spams BB or spiral, a prof that bolts only then warps out or runs when enemy uses gtb, a biochemist that can't win fights if enemy has fcp on, and the ones that we always see, a sniper who spams FAS and does not use traps. SB does huge damage already, no point making them tank hits as well.
  5. Rayray

    Thana Build

    Use normal breaking cards then just replace one of them with thanatos. Your main damage dealer there would be double attack, so be sure to be using daggers. With that said, you should not be critting as you will have low damage then.
  6. On the Rings quest raids, as I remember it, I just kill everything in sight as that is far easier then to go around the map looking for a specific one.
  7. The only ones who want one handed kitty claws are the ones who never learned the class and just want to kill by using SB + buffs. They suggest this because they get owned by experienced players since they never actually tried to learn the class itself. A good sinx in general is one of the strongest class in game. Use your skills, you have good escape skills. I find it funny that there are a few sb sinx that just stood there and spammed skills or attacked endlessly when they are not supposed to do that.
  8. The way to do this without affecting the ones that already did get the rucksack is create a different type of rucksack with different stat.
  9. I knew that the dragon's order storylines are gonna get updated. Good job guys. P.S. I haven't got around looking at all the npcs and stuff since I am at work but my question is what item would be needed for the infamous dragonists armor?(kinda like the cape for the rings?). Is it the forsaken king's armor + other items needed in the quest? Because if it does, I would suggest that you guys warn the players since the quest might just randomly take one armor from inventory(god knows I carry tons of them) and the cards in it might also be gone. P.S.2 I think you guys just took my remaining free time. I use 5-6 armors, so that probably means I have to do them 6x. Good job for that
  10. I can hit decently with Soul Breaker, the delay is the one that needs the fixing really.
  11. Well you beat me to the punch, i was gonna make a full buster guide. It was funny to me that they think the damage with thana is OP. Every skill that can use thana's effect deals high damage if enemy isn't wearing skolls. I find it funny that no one called mammonite OP on thana when I was hitting 40k-60k with it and I am using hybrid so my str is not that high, but called full buster OP just because it did similar damage. GJ on the basic guide. I look forward on you updating it by putting more information on how to play the class.
  12. You must not have used a wizard or soul linker to battle fully geared people in GvG. I say GvG because soul linker's awesome defensive skills(namely his auto resu and leap) doesn't work well there, unlike SB SinX's backslide and cloak. And I wouldn't call a 250k hp sinx fragile, since it is so easy to switch to shield ONCE you spam your sonic blows.
  13. I will mostly repeat what others said but add a few things. Kitty claws were made for Sonic Blow, no doubt about it. Honestly, the only reason SBK isn't widely used is because of the delay. When using it with one handed swords OR any other stuff aside from Kitty claws when it had the cast delay reduce, it just sucks. You cannot spam it as you should have(kinda on par but not as fast as cart termination was the benchmark we are looking for for it to be decent). That's about it as far as I remember, the spam rate just made it not usable. If Ares said was true, then we just have to wait for the weapon, although I would have preferred to just buff the Loki's.
  14. Raising the price of an item is not a good argument for this, as it can very well be game breaking to give them additional damage when they already do enough(I SAID DAMAGE, NOT CAST DELAY SO PLEASE DO NOT PUT THAT INTO THE ARGUMENT)
  15. Short answer : No card does that. Long answer : Only adding INT helps on getting higher AD damage. However, no weapon cards add INT that is high enough to actually see a difference. Therefore, you are better off not using them. Use weapon cards that help your other skills(kingring for matk, incant/thanatos/tg for mammonites) or use defensive ones(strip cards, phreeoni to add hit so you can use cart revolution to push people off pneuma, stormy knight cards for that life saving storm gust).
  16. Cmon now, Alan Rickman dies at 69 today as well? Same week with Bowie. Is Death looking for 69 year olds? Because I know Donald Trump is 69, so maybe you just made a mistake.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Euphoria
    3. Dream


      I think rather it's because Aaron Ramsey keeps scoring for Arsenal FC. Look it up, it's a well known Aaron Ramsey Curse!

    4. kyoshiro029


      Lol... yeah i think i saw that one... whenever he scores someone dies a few hours after it.... i think some of them were bin laden and whitney houston... dunno if its true though xD

  17. I doubt people that spent months to get gears will migrate to another server simply because fRO will be down a couple of days. Also, I seriously doubt she got banned for no reason.
  18. So you would rather run a server with bugs in them along with broken grf and such that people crash their game constantly? Good lord. Sorry, but tests on a locally hosted server is a stepping stone, you cannot be sure that bugs won't appear on the live server just because you tested locally. Again, I only said to close the server since WE ARE UNDERMANNED regarding this. I for one would not really be bothered if we go renewal or not.
  19. When I tested stuff on biochemist, I never asked anyone to help with it aside from my guildmates. And when I was fully blown on testing the build, I just hit anyone on sight, that way my reflexes will also be good since it is real pvp and the one I am hitting also tries to hit back. Getting gagned makes you lose supplies more than anything. Anyone would normally die in a gang, so I just try and bring someone down along with me if that happens. Although I make it a point not to hit anyone that are just sitting and talking with their friends, that's just rude. Fun, but rude.
  20. Well that's a bummer, David Bowie died today. Good lord we are running of music legends. Then I also realized that people like Kanye West will be called "legend" by this generation

    1. Danger


      the stars look very different today...

    2. wikedbazist


      an icon in my time..he will trully be missed...

  21. Closing the server is definitely an option(although we have ones who will rage). I was giving it as a probable way of doing it with few staff(keep in mind that mostly Genesis and maybe Veracity work behind the scenes when it comes with the coding and stuff). Solo tests will take longer to pull off, add to the fact that Genesis does not play as a player of the server. While he knows the server like the back of his hand, he might miss some things with regards to gameplay bugs. Again, this suggestion is when we have no choice but to get renewal(very unlikely). I don't really mind having or not having that GUI. I rather fix bugs and get new content than getting renewal. Until now there are bugs in our homunculus so I'd rather get that fixed for example
  22. Well, I might be using the term backup lightly there. What I meant is really a copy of the server(hence I said there should be a save state date for it). It will take a long time to do it, hence I am not really on board with the idea.
  23. They are the donation custom weapons made by this server.
  24. Back in my day someone used tons of Skoll summon scrolls inside the pvp room. Needless to say, no one was able to pvp that day.(I think it was Patchworks who used them)
  25. Legendary weapons are the quest equivalent of the valkyrie weapons. What they are 80% of the stats of the said valks. They just have simple names like Legendary Biochemist Mace etc.
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