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  4. I need old friends to be together again. Miss the memories of having fun together at Forsaken RO. Please come back everyone. Really miss the memories of the old empire war. Sob(x3).. dT^Tb


  5. Hi can i suggest to change or add pvp ladder event more particularly; •After 2.0 •After Euro Woe (Fridays Asian time) •Monday After BR •american woe (sunday/thursday) with the current situation of the game i think this will be a good schedule base on my observations in events majority of the guilds are active within this particular dates
  6. Yooooooooooooo Mitomiiiiiiiiiii~

  7. Make dating stress-free and enjoyable with the best casual dating experience. Night dating, no obligations, one night only Genuine Females [URL=https://matchnow.life]Top-notch casual Dating[/URL]
  8. I am having issues with my Dell Latitude 7490. there are two sets of mouse buttons as this has a rubber trackpad in the middle of the keyboard between the "G" "H" and "B" keys on the keyboard with mouse buttons below the space bar as well as a traditional trackpad with mouse buttons below the keyboard. the upper buttons with the rubber pad work, but the lower ones with the traditional trackpad and buttons does not work in game. any suggestions as to why and how to fix?
  9. Hi everyone, I know it has been a while. Here's the change log for May 2024. 1) WoE 2.0 castle changed to Vidblainn - Schwaltzvalt Guild Castle 3 - Coords - 97 183 2) Shard rotation in 2.0 castle - Treasure box drop changed to Maroon Ice Emperium Shard 3) Disabled Xmas Village and quests - FCity returned back to normal and old Xmas quests are now disabled 4) Freebie NPC changes - Creator job added Coming Soon: Zen Aurora
  10. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜

    1. werer21


      [URL=https://matchnow.life]Prime casual Dating[/URL]
  11. olá boa noite não consigo entrar no game fecha automático anti virus desativado e segui protocolo de instalação o que fazer °?
  12. areyou still selling that
  13. _tabs_

    S/T> Items

    hay are you still selling item
  14. _tabs_

    S>Good stuff

    hey are you still playing
  15. _tabs_


    freys G. eisa ember
  16. Hi Victoria Thanks for the ideas I'm a newbie Events GM and I am honestly passionate in making my server more fun. I hope you can give me detailed steps in the small events i can host?
  17. S>gs b ring +L.bullet set.. offer
  18. krefeld


    Sup? I was wondering how to use the Token Voucher.
  19. hi gen

    can you help me recover my account

    1. Genesis


      Sure, please message me on discord at: jorgeluisf350#6842 or file a ticket, I'll help you recover it.

  20. _tabs_


    hi gm's can someone help me to recover my email so i can reset my password i forgot what email i used. i have 3 acount and old player too.. can someone help me
  21. SELLING /AURAS/ White Ice Emp [1.2k] Red Emp [1.3k] /Head Gears/ Violet Imp [600] Red Imp [600] /WINGS/ Violet Eids [800] Red Eids [800] /ACCE/ Vit Belts 2x [80each] Vit Gaunts [35] /ETC/ Event Tokens 120pcs [1:5]
  22. b0nsai


    log into the forsaken control panel, go to my account, click on the character name, on the stuck one. reset your position. should do the trick. 🙂 https://cp.forsaken-ro.net/ if that was your problem, if u just wanted to report the @warp issue and ur character is fine, sry. ^^"
  23. wow,
    just stumbled over some old bookmarks and checked some out.
    im amazed this server is still online and my accounts are working ^^
    Control Panel says my last login to game was at 2016.. strong nostalgia feelings tho.
    Keep it up guys!
    Im glad ur still rollin! ❤️

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