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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Full str also have their range skill. And trust me, grimtooth more annoy then slow grace LOL
  2. Waw..its was a nice adventure. Have fun and good luck in every step. Be a good breaker like u dream about. See you in game
  3. Lugia! I choose you

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      lol yeah... its like the retarded cousin of mewtwo... i being that its a failed pokemon and it being a crash causing one xD

    3. kyoshiro029
    4. Nas


      @zan wot..i dun wan dis egg..it toke me a years to hatch it..lmao

      @kyo ikr? Wondering if satoshi will make misingno as new pokemon in the next generation

  4. Good luck and have fun
  5. Yep sinx was a nice n deadly job,depend on style and "fast hand" to change equip ..
  6. Nas

    Installation Problem

    Try to repatch. Or wait for gm's help
  7. Use sniper or champ if u wanna MVP.. In farming wizard are the best with AOE 10x10
  8. Nas


    And be aware of the ganged.. Some of pusseh will call their friends if u kill alot. Well good luck tho. Lagendary gear can b deadly tho,depending style you play and how long u can endure it. Be wise and cool. Have fun
  9. Then dont play sinx SONIC BLOW lel..Go play breaker or crit pvp type,u dun need to hide while attack lol.. They create grimtooth not for display..use it..if u against a close deadly char like champ,use grimtooth..its ez
  10. +1 i like this, Altough it can be done with like guildmates or something..
  11. Nas

    Trading Some Stuff

    T>Midas to minstrel
  12. Waw it would be so OP then.. -1 to this.. True they would be a undef,that use for cloacking,skill.. Be creative with ur job..
  13. Feeling unwell ~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nas


      Where? I need the best place

    3. Harmony


      Get some rest

    4. Nas


      Denks..ma head like gonna xplode

  14. Nas

    Me Again Lol

    S>Purple emperium auroras [5.5] or to SA+FSOLD+TOK OR LHZ/ROP+FSOLD+?? OR OFFER ME tyvm
  15. Nas

    Thana Build

    Well there is ton of combo out there..just test it out untill u found the right for ur build..peace ya
  16. Nas


    O hi adit..or u fake LOL
  17. Purple emp+10ltd.sakkat black=full sniper bless or cursed + 200 Leave ign or offer ty
  18. Nas

    Selling Or Trading

    S/T>Purple emp[6k][freysG+SA][freysG+lhz/rop+??] S/T>+10LTD.Black.Sakkat[offer][any haloween hat+tok] Leave ign here or leave offer here Tyvm
  19. +10 Ltd.Black Sakkat to ur minstrel + toks
  20. Finally..and a RAID..nie done gm's.. Need alot test out the new mvp's card
  21. +1 to this Kagerou too smart
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