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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Maybe its not about happy ending, Maybe its about a whole Story of your Life

  2. Maybe its not about Happy Ending,

  3. Nas

    One Word Story

  4. Nas

    One Word Story

  5. Nas


    Waw you guys owned a forum for your guild. Nice work. Goodluck for a long journey.
  6. Nas

    One Word Story

  7. I like the shaman king thingy. That so simple and badass.
  8. Nas


    Welcome back
  9. Capslock?
  10. Omiigawddd pokemon sun and moon ! <3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nas


      While me always fire because burned of my spirit? Hahaha but ye,you cant get water type unless u got a road.and gain magicarp and gyardos <3

    3. niemono89


      Mewtwo/lugia lv1 as starter :P

    4. Nas
  11. Big bang lets not fall in love
  12. For now(summer) yea i need a cold one. Tpbm love cat
  13. Yes. I love rain. Best situation to sleep,i'll pass fro just for sleep during rain. Rain is lyf! TPBM love k-pop songs
  14. Welcome to fro. Be chill and have fun. That woe addict tho, Ps:best job hunting is sniper/champ while farming wiz will be the best job .
  15. Umm i feel good atm O.o Tpbm was a silly girl/boy . .
  16. Yass i do. Choc is life <3 gg back O.O TPBM know what my prof.picture is ???
  17. Life is too short to stress yourself with people who dont even desrve to be an issue in your life

  18. Yeah usually i wake at 5am to charge it and cont to sleep o.O The person below me eat sweets/choc/sleep to reduce her/his stress irl
  19. Hi. Welcome to forum, enjoy and have fun !
  20. Errr not really. Im just a begineer in math. ROFL TPBM have their crush for like 2+ year without telling him/her about it O_O
  21. card Weapon:4kingrings Boots:2fbh Cloak:ray+skoll(basic)ray2(asura,AD)2nox(fas sniper) and many more Access:if you afford one,get a Urds and put cookie card. For maximum damage:lex+hl (while wear kafra hat) Goodluck
  22. Back in my day Lhz03/04 should be hardcore map to go coz of no gtb
  23. ^ i believe kaza trying to say that make both cursed(red and blue) as main weap, that means he can change some of combo. lel
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