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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Yep it does. .i saw someone from DC finish it
  2. Back in my days, you can emp with 600-1000f.toks
  3. Get the bless ring and sell em to set. Bless set kindda needed then cursed nowdays. So goodluck
  4. Ikr, that just simillar job that using link to be that "OP". But can counter it easily
  5. I agreed on this. Sb sinx only that strong when with link,and katar(2wep weapon), another player could dispell him with no fail just with vr card, or vr hat. Let say high priest+link+kafra=100++ k per damage and didnt include a lex, but without link,holy light was holy ****. Same part as sinx though.
  6. "Failed to connect server"

  7. Yeah. . They just didnt know how feel pvp with assumptio user. .
  8. .heh
  9. Try to remember your ign, submit a recover password ticket, admin's will recover your id if your email&ign are correct. . Goodluck
  10. It was ady auto assumptio. Quite usefull in 1v1 pvp. So HPC totally not a worthless card.
  11. Up to you. . Kalau kau minat gunslinger, why not try kat sini jugak, each class ada baik n buruk. . Good luck dil
  12. Nas

    Selling Some Stuff

    S>full pally b set / proff c set / +0 polar bear cap pm me in game or here . . Denk!
  13. Make bless +20% HP too is quite fair for both rings.
  14. Aidil? Tf new player. Wew dis aidil
  15. Bump. Black rop and ofc orange valk helm
  16. +1 yeah make it balanced.
  17. Nas


    Welcome to the server. Enjoy and good luck with your journey.
  18. Vote/donate for a cape. Even they was a little ugly(in my look) but ye,they are very usefull though. The vote one you cannot make a ring(bless/cursed) but you can with a donate one! :D
  19. You can get those via donate. Its donation item. You can check here https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/
  20. I see. Its clear now. Thanks ray
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