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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. 1 2 3 they gonna run back to me

  2. Waw i just cant wait da BIG, super-exciting update
  3. Hero lives in you~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. niemono89


      3 meals a day*

      (if you think this is tough,try to cut the routine into half :3)

    3. Nas


      How do u knw my routine..dats wut i always do

    4. niemono89


      New ages of hero saga:SAITAMA

      The author have a new sequal but in alternate universe within 2016~

      STAY TUNED..

  4. 16k pure :p
  5. Reserved
  6. Woah nice then..well skool+noxious work well as i tested to tank a thana gs..
  7. Ya..card would help in our server is kingring
  8. Nice one bruh../no1
  9. Kyle..keep for me the green one /gg
  10. Nas


  11. Tolong air jual eh?
  12. Nas


    Or pm me instead :D
  13. Nas


    Leave offer..ign..or pmed me in forum. Ty
  14. One day, you’ll just be a memory to some people. Do your best to be a good one.

  15. Tadi xbreaker? Ko da jd breaker ke skng? Ak lg pening
  16. Ahahahah..yelaa..apa2 bt ko happy aku tumpang happy :D
  17. Haihh pelik tol ko ni..ritu ckp nk main sinx..ni main sniper lak
  18. Waw u just something man
  19. I miss the old time badly q_q

  20. Waw...power ah abam Waw im in one of list in special thx..ty buddy
  21. Nas

    Would You Rather?

    Be smart,i can teach other to be smart too Would u rather to be valuable or to be remembered
  22. Nas

    Aftercast Delay

    Use pingzapper
  23. Back in my days At iRo..im just an swordman..untill now
  24. Back in my day I didnt even know sp for asura damage is only 6k, I've spend like my stats on str,int,and dex..no on vit.. #missolddays
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