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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Nas

    Count To Infinity

  2. Hello ray. I just start play bio. I wanna ask about general things. What happend if we have negative def. It just make me curious. Some pep say nothing change. Some was say its bad. So i need majority answer. Since u were old player. Would u explain it to me? Denk!
  3. Go donate high wizard card. It can sell with a high price. Like 110 ea
  4. Nas

    Sell And Trade.

  5. Nas

    Sell And Trade.

    S : Midas whisper [1.5] Or trade to 1Urds+100
  6. Nas

    B> Eof

    That was an item for a best shield ever (frigg's shield)
  7. You're not just tankie. You are the part of our family. Grats for a awesome guide.
  8. No dont make a ring set. You need a guider first to be donator. And donate wep/cape like coustomer order is more good then make the gs set instead.. For biochem, you can spam Acid Demo just 1kiel and 2silver kiel. For a good spam for all classes. Ye,you will need triple kiel. Good luck~
  9. Np..have fun and good luck in your journey
  10. Ikr
  11. Nas

    Count To Infinity

  12. I am not..but they leader was ma fried(mini strello) u can found him at @go 0 :D
  13. Nas


    Wait for gm's to respond
  14. Welcome to the server. Have fun and good luck in every step. Farm and keep farming. Ganbate!
  15. Oh when did chu dis Q&A midnight? U so awsome..and yeah gm's member too
  16. +1 there is absolutely good.. its like quest of solar helm..
  17. You always doing a nice job. .
  18. Nas

    Count To Infinity

  19. Nas

    Count To Infinity

  20. Orange emp+ 10ltd.orange devi to +10ltd.green set S>proff c set
  21. Oh hi g3y
  22. Nas


    This is USA server but majority are pinoy
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