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*. Update Notes I. Introduction II. Equipment III. Stats IV. Skills V. Notes *. Update Notes Added High Orc card as a Shield section card recommendation. Emphasized the LHZ Aura (and all auras with similar effects) effectiveness in boosting more HP than Emperium Auroras. Had a little change in the 2x Raydrics description section. Yes it's pretty much for all around use but only against neutral property attacks. Fixed various typos. Added Mini Strello's nice tip in the Notes section. And added a couple more final notes in the Notes section. Various changes. I. Introduction The Paladin (a.k.a. Pally) build I'm about to share with you is the one build you make to go into the front lines and gladly welcome a truckload of punishment. The epitome of defense, this Paladin can have an HP pool so high that it can never be compared to other classes, while taking advantage at the same time an array of skills that center on keeping the Paladin well fortified at all times. I've been a Paladin player for about almost a year and along the way, I've learned and experienced most of the things to know and keep in mind when manning a Pally. This guide is made for the Defense-is-the-best-offense Paladin, and not the STR type, all-out-attack Paladin. II. Equipment Top Headgear Basics Forsaken Knight Helm, Vote Valkyrie Helm, Valkyrie Helm, Valkyrie Expansion HatEarly choices. Goal Halloween Headgear [Evil Marcher Hat, Midas Whisper, Minstrel Song Hat, Magic Stone Hat, Skull Cap, Skull Hood]These further boost your Paladin's HP pool by 15%. 2 slots. Middle Headgear Basics Legendary Auroras, Vote Fallen GhostQuesting for the Legendary Auras is worth the time (they have a variety of styles and designs too, so you pick your poison). Voting for 50 credits and purchasing the Fallen Ghost is worth the time. These Middle Headgears give +20 stats and 1 free slot. Goal LHZ Aurora, Rune of Power, Lovely Ribbon, Mythical Flame, Skull Aurora; or if your budget can handle it, Emperium Auras (All stats +25, Max HP + 5%, Increase damage to Demi-Humans by 4%). - For this build we actually need the one which gives us more HP. So in my opinion, it's best to stick with the LHZ Auroras and the ones with effects alike. Save your Emperium Auroras for another type of Paladin, or better yet, another class, I guess.* LHZ / Rune of Power / Lovely Ribbon Aurora - Increase damage on demihumans by 10%, Max HP + 8% All stats + 20, 1 slot ** Mythical Flame Aurora - Max HP + 3%, All Stats + 20, Reflect 4% of all Physical Melee Damage, Reduce damage taken from Neutral property by 7%, Add a 10% resistance against Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth properties. 1 slot *** Skull Aurora - All stats + 20, Reduce damage taken from Holy, Poison, Shadow, and Ghost properties by 10%, Reduce damage taken from Neutral property by 7%. Reflect 4% of physical damage taken. 1 slot Lower Headgear Basics Start off with the Freebie Adventurer's Backpack (All stats + 10, Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%), then work your way to getting either the Legendary Balloons (All stats + 10%, Max HP + 7%, 1 slot) and/or voting for the Vote Infernal Paladin Cape (Walking speed + 10% Reduce damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Attack + 10%, Reflect + 7%, Str + 10, Vit + 10, 1 slot) in the Control Panel.Goal Paladin Ring of the Divine (Walking Speed + 15%, Reduce damage taken from demi-humans by 5%, Reduce VIT def by 10%, HP + 20%, SP + 5%, VIT + 35, Reflect + 15%, 1 slot)Headgear Cards: Orc Hero Maya Purple Forsaken Soldier Your best bets for your headies are Orc Hero cards for the +3 VIT extra. Compound 2 Orc Hero cards into your chosen Top Headgear. Another Orc Hero (for more HP) and/or Maya Purple (for True Sight) for the Middle or Lower Headgear slots. Forsaken Soldier card is optional but is very useful. You are very vulnerable when stoned. Use Gemini cards as substitute if you're on a tight budget. Armor Basics Forsaken Knight Armor, Vote Forsaken King ArmorGoal Forsaken King ArmorCards: Ghostring/Tao Gunka - Serves as my default. Ghostring/RSX - If you're not FCPd and you don't want your armors breaking and to prevent people from pushing you around. Ghostring/Orc Lord - For melee reflecting purposes. I'm not a fan of a Pally killing a Champ from reflect but dies at the same time because his reduction is not enough to spare him a few HP to live. What I do instead is switch to a non-Usakoring shield [GTB?] if the Champ is able to tank the punishment you currently offer using this armor. Cloak Basics Forsaken Knight Cloak, Vote Forsaken King CloakGoal Forsaken King Cloak, +10 Valkyrian ManteauCards: 2x Skoll - Serves as my default; completely shuts down Memory of Thanatos card bonus damage to characters with High VIT Defense while also increasing your Maximum HP pool by a total of 12%. 2x Deviling - Occasionally used to shrug off most of the Neutral element skill damage like Asura Strike (that is if you are kind enough to not just kill them with reflect) , Acid Demonstration (Acid Bomb) , etc. 2x Raydric - Serves as the all-around-cloak-of-NEUTRAL-damage-reduction in PVP but also invites almost instant death against Thanatos card users, but as you know, when it comes to melee-with-thana opponents, you should welcome the damage because you'll just be giving it right back. *Put either a Deviling or Skoll or Raydric in the +10 Valkyrian Manteau. This cloak enhances reflect but leaves you vulnerable to freezing (you need to have a complete King/Knight set to be immune to Freeze). Shoes Basics Forsaken Knight Boots, Vote Forsaken King BootsGoal Forsaken King BootsCards: Dragoon Wizard/General Egnigem Cenia - Serves as my default. Annoying. 10% chance of Auto Level 10 Kyrie Eleison + a total of 15% Max HP and SP 2x Am Mut - This one is for reflect damage boost against the melee types according to Él Cholo. "The more damage you receive, the more reflect damage you give". Weapon Basics Legendary Paladin Spear [4]Goal Odin's Avenger [4]Cards: Fabre x4 Metaling, Dragoon Warlord, Valkyrie Randgris, Lord of the Dead - Best stripper. Use it for the effects of the cards and not for damage. Strip, Dispell, and Coma (or the various other debuffs) ... if it ever works. Shield Basics Forsaken Knight Shield, Vote Forsaken King ShieldGoal Frigg's King ShieldCards: Usakoring - Serves as my default. Golden Thief Bug - Serves as secondary default for some reason. Maya - If we prefer of course to reflect single target magical damage too. And according to Misdemeanor, you can try putting this one in the "Orleans' Server" shield, which I agreed that it is a fairly legal, basic strat. High Orc - For what it's worth, this card adds another 5% physical damage reflect back to the enemy that inflicted it. Since we're all for reflect on this one then we might as well add this. Accessory Basics 2x Legendary VIT Gauntlets, 2x Forsaken VIT BeltsGoal 2x Asgard's Essence [1 slot] (with a VIT Rune)Cards: No cards to recommend. Stick with the VIT Runes.*As an addition to your goals, make sure to get 2 or more of each Forsaken King set piece (and even extra Top Headgears to easily switch from 2x Orc Hero to 2x Kiel and vice versa) to accommodate all cards I've listed and use them as your "switching gears" to adjust according to your current situation. III. Stats STR: I have no other recommendations as to how many you should put here because mine sits at 165 base STR. If you opted not to use the 300 VIT build, then you can put a little more in here for the sake of ATK damage and carrying a little bit more seeds. I can carry around 420 seeds on 165 base STR. AGI: Leftover stats. I'm currently at 61+53 AGI and my ASPD is 178 unbuffed. Its peak is 190 while buffed with Concentration Potion, Awakening Potion, Berserk Potion, Increase AGI, Blessing, and Spear Quicken. VIT: 280 or 290 or 300 - I maxed mine out at 300. Advantage is more HP, Disadvantage is less stat points to make up for either STR to carry more seeds and higher ATK damage or for AGI to reach the 195 max ASPD. INT: 1 DEX: Total of 150 without the Blessing buff. No more, no less. This is mostly just to remove the casting for Devotion. My current DEX shows as 122+28 (assuming you have a complete gear) LUK: 1 IV. Skills Defense skills to always use: Battle Chant - If you're alone and not in a party to give mates the double attack damage bonus and many other benefits, use it to remove most nasty debuffs like being stripped or slowed. Endure - Anti-flinching. Guard - Your built in Kyrie Eleison skill. Shrink - Only useful while the Guard skill is active as it pushes enemies away from you by a certain chance of the Auto Guard procs. This is a Platinum Skill and you can get it from the Forsaken Kafra. Shield Reflect - Reflects melee damage only! Defending Aura - Best counter second to Pneuma against ranged assaults regardless whether it's skill or physical long-ranged damage. Supportive Skills: Devotion - Become a full time masochist and save up to 5 mates in your party from taking up too much damage. We welcome damage, we don't reject it. Spear Quicken - For ASPD. Useful for Martyr's Reckoning and/or while in a stripper spear. Berserk - Barely matters sometimes but we need all the help we can get. Applies LVL10 Provoke on you once your HP goes below 25%. Could be useful for a sudden, hopefully-not-your-final burst of damage. Provoke - The middle finger for Ecallers in WoE. Offensive Skills: Martyr's Reckoning - Higher HP + Card bonuses + it ignores defense (as if it really matters) = 1 hell of a punishment. Magnum Break - Half Supportive, Half Offensive skill. Boosts damage blah blah to this and to that and it helps nudge people out of hiding. Gloria Domini - I find this gem-of-a-skill interesting as it can instantly flush 40% of an opponents SP down the drain while dealing a pure but puny 2000 damage. V. Notes The secret of being a great Paladin is to make your mates rely and trust their lives on to you. Seriously. Make them worry about how to kill the opponents as fast and as effectively as possible and not about if they will survive the firefight. They're the swords and you are the shield. You take care of survival while they go full nuts and put everything they have on attack. Waste your seeds, don't get overwhelmed by all the damage you might take. Keep your Defensive Skills active. Don't get caught off guard. Pun intended. Keep all the upgradeable gear on +0. Your awesome defensive buffs can not be dispelled as long as you have your GTB shield on. Watch out for Clowns and Gypsies as they can dispel your buffs (and even break your equipment) with the simple use of Tarot Cards of Fate even on GTB. Creds to Mini Strello for this. Always keep your @storage on one of your hotkeys to conveniently grab more seeds when you go low. By the time of this update, I have already completed the STR Paladin guide so you might wanna check out how that one works and differs from here. ***** Acknowledgements ***** - Él Cholo "Bloody Bill Anderson" for introducing the Paladin class to me and helping me understand and build it up. - Lu and a bunch of all her chars as punching bag to test how hard i hit and for some helpful tips against other classes. - And of course, the rest of my mates in Rubicon, the "just for the LOLs", fashion, and chatty-chat-chat guild (now on Facebunk and Skarpe too!). - This guide could be updated in the future.
I. Introduction II. Equipment III. Stats IV. Skills V. Notes I. Introduction Moving on to another Paladin guide, this time we’ll have more about the offensive capabilities of the pally. This is the second Paladin guide I’ve done so far because hell yeah, class mastery, and there really is more to it than just badass defense. And there isn’t a guide for it at all so here it is. Again, second to the series, who knows, I might make another for another type. Here’s me giving you the hint. To you and your pals, read on and thank you for reading my guides. II. Equipment Headgear Top Valkyrie Helm / Valkyrie Expansion Hats / Limited Edition Headgears – Limited Edition Headgears because on this type of pally, we value those stats like it ain’t always enough.Card/s Kiel + Maya Purple/Forsaken Soldier/GeminiMid LHZ / Rune of Power / Lovely Ribbon Aurora – These have the same effects, just different looks. Emperium Aurora – Useful for more stats. Card/s KielLower Paladin Ring of the DivineCard/s KielArmor Forsaken King ArmorCard/s Ghostring + Tao Gunka – Default Ghostring + RSX – Anti Knockbacks like Arrow Repel. Ghostring + Orc Lord – Reflect. Yes. Still. Ghostring + Puppetring OR Puppetring + Puppetring – I don’t know why I’ve put this in here. It’s really not that necessary but I guess for the sake of trying the Paladin in different heights. You’re still considered as a wall no matter what the build so considering that, it would still take a few more extra hits to take you down. During that ordeal, this might just work for whatever reason you think it’s for. Cloak Forsaken King CloakCard/s 2x Skoll – Still my default even on this mode. 2x Deviling – This + GTB shield is sometimes enough to counteract against Biochemist Acid Bomb and Bolts. 2x Raydrics – In all honesty, I’ve never ever used this on any of my Paladins. But sure let’s add it in here. Shoes Forsaken King BootsCard/s 2x Fallen Bishop – On the previous Paladin Guide I’ve made, I’ve advised against using 2x FBH on the Paladin because it’s not a STR built Paladin anyway. It’s more of a HP/Reflect type and that was our priority. But for this, don’t be afraid to go 2x FBH because you just have more than average HP, you are pretty much easier to kill, so you’re going to have to spam an awful lot of seeds in faster speeds anyway to stay alive. It seems balanced now so make sure you’re making use of your SP too. Take out your shield and Rapid Smite people. Dragoon Wizard + General Egnigem Cenia – Wear this while chasing hit-and-run players. Whenever you’re in range of them to attack, switch to 2x FBH. If that’s too much of a hassle, then use it only for casual defending, and Martyr’s Reckoning. Weapon Legendary Paladin Spear Odin’s Avenger Card/s 2x Turtle General, Valkyrie Randgris, Skeleton Worker, Mao Guai – 2x TGs and a Valkyrie Randgris is mandatory. It’s up to you to choose between Mao Guai (Inflict 20% more damage on Ghost Property) and Skeleton Worker (Increase damage inflicted on medium sized monster by 15%, ATK + 15) on which you will use to compound onto your main spear. Metaling Card, Dragoon Warlord Card, Lord of the Dead Card, Valkyrie Randgris Card – These go to your utility spear. A Legendary Paladin Spear is enough to do the job. Strip + Coma + Dispel all in one. But of course it’s up to you if you prefer having more than 1 LoD card in there or more DW or Metaling. Shield Frigg’s King Shield +10 Cross Shield – Refine to +10. Dropped by Incarnation of Morroc (Mob ID: 1919). This shield increases Rapid Smiting and Shield Boomerang damage by 30% (Frigg’s King Shield only does 15%, and to top it off, the Cross Shield weighs 50 points more than the Frigg’s), however, it also increases the SP consumption of skills by 10%. Use this only for going all out on attack. Watch around you and switch to Frigg’s immediately when necessary. Card/s Usakoring Golden Thief Bug Maya Accessory STR Belts VIT Belts Loki’s Seal with STR Runes (Rapid Smiting and Holy Cross) Asgard’s Essence with VIT Runes (Martyr’s Reckoning) Ring of Resonance (Blue Ifrit Ring) (Just-in-case Ring?) III. Stats There’s a pattern to follow when it comes to this certain build’s stat. What I am talking about is what or which offensive skill you’re going more of into. For example, I am more into using the Rapid Smiting skill for my STR Pally. Then what I’m going to do is wear my Valkyrie Helm/LTD Helm and adjust my stats according to that to get to the ‘divisible by 10’ thing bonus when adding stats. On the other hand, if I prefer to use more Holy Cross, I’d use the specialized helm such as the Angel of Ghost helm here so I’ll wear it; adjust my stats again until it is divisible by 10. Lastly, if I was going for a Martyr’s Reckoning pally, I’d wear the Halloween helms which boost my HP, and adjust my stats again accordingly. These three patterns depend on these 3 headgears because yes, their stats and bonuses vary. Whichever of these you might use, the two others will just have to follow and adjust according to your chosen path. After wearing your main headgear, put stats in this order: STR (until you decide where to stop around 290+), DEX (until you have a total of 150), AGI (until you have a total of 195 ASPD, unbuffed), VIT (until the rest of your stat points run out). STR - 290+ AGI - (until you have 195 ASPD) VIT - (the rest of stats) INT - 1 DEX - 150 total LUK - 1 IV. Skills Offensive: Rapid Smiting – Primary offensive skill. Works especially well when you’re using a +10 Cross Shield with it. Holy Cross – This very much hurts given the right circumstances. The frequency of how much you can use this skill depends on how high your ASPD is. So that’s one of the reasons why we need 195 ASPD in this build. Martyr’s Reckoning – I don’t even have to explain. But just a note, according to my research department, Martyr’s Reckoning favors more HP than more ATK to deal more damage. If you ever wondered if using 2x Loki’s Seals is better when using Martyr’s Reckoning, then let me tell you that it is best to use 2x Asgard’s Essences instead. Shield Boomerang – You can get the most out of this skill when you’re linked. It’s a 2nd to Rapid Smiting kind of thing. Standard Defensive Skills: Endure – You’ll barely enjoy the non-stun-lock luxury time but hey, better be there than not at all! Guard – Basically, all kinds of Paladin have to at least shrug and guard off some attacks. Shrink – The use of this skill is useful when you’re not interested in fighting back. But if you’re in for the fight, I recommend you just turn it off. We don’t want to chase people while pushing them away at the same time. Shield Reflect – Basically, all kinds of Paladin have to at least reflect something back. Defending Aura – Very useful in the current meta, as of the time of writing of this guide. Shots fired. Pun very much intended. I’m sorry. Battle Chant – Still meant to bring x2s to your mates. And to remove strip statuses and stuff. Supportive/Utility Skills: Magnum Break – Useful for the bonus ATK and HIT. Primer for your Spear and Shield. Gloria Domini – Deals a fixed 2000 damage as well as taking away up to 40% SP for each hit. Spear Quicken – This is a build where we actually need to have 195 ASPD so one might think this isn’t really that important. But sometimes changing your headgears might have a direct effect on how much ASPD you’ll have on a certain situation. For example, my Rapid Smiting headgear needs to be replaced with the Angel of Ghost helm for some reason, and so by doing so, my ASPD drops from 195 to 192. To keep it short, just use it. Smite – Can knock back enemies 9 football fields away. Berserk – Let your HP drop down below 25% and be granted with a LVL10 Provoke on yourself. Provoke – Provoke might increase somebody’s ATK, but don’t forget it also decreases their defense whoever you fancy casting it upon. I’m sure it makes at least a bit of difference to your DPS. Otherwise, prepare for some spankin’. V. Notes Show up in fights wearing your HP gear. I mean wear your Halloween headgear (this is the only thing that shows but still…), your GEC boots, and your Asgards. Having the illusion of you having much, much more HP is often enough to tell them you’re not as easy to kill like the others. Not even counting the defensive buffs you can have anytime. This way, they’ll hesitate, and choose other people to hit instead. If that works, switch to your offensive setup, kill, and good luck explaining. I don’t have that much notes so I’ll just state and recap some of the obvious. Correct me if I'm wrong in any of them. In this guide I’ve shown you that a STR pally can have 3 (or maybe more) types of Headgear to use. So, if you know how to use it, the Battle Mode, put them in one of your skill bars according to how you like them in order. Easy switching, easy killing. Rapid Smiting is forced to stay as a Neutral property skill. Martyr’s Reckoning will always be Neutral. Holy Cross will always be Holy. You are able to carry up to 550 seeds in one go compared to our VIT Paladin that can hold 370 to 400, just to show you the difference. P.S. There have been a few edits and additions to the Full Devotion guide (Down below is my signature and one of the links there lead to the Full Devotion / Reflect guide, click on it to check it out). Everything I’ve changed will be listed so you can find them faster. ***Acknowledgments*** - LittleGirlNamedArya - Kyle (Yatogami#) for the Cross Shield introduction - Lu for pvp testing. Thanks to you as always. - Jake too for pvp testing. #jakehelpfulman2k16andimnotevenbluffingorami? - And of course a special mention to the rest of Rubicon for cheering on and believing the fact that Paladins aren’t wussies and are just for defending!
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- rapid smiting
- holy cross
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These paladin build were like those that afraid/lazy to tank the front lines or just kinda boring to play pure VIT builds. *You can try this build, whenever have free times :3* Stats: STR:60-90(just enough left over,if int 280++) AGI:enough for 195 aspd(up dex 1st) VIT:100-130(Impressive for a non-tanker paladin) INT:270-300(grand cross+matk damage output) DEX:*exactly 150* LUK:*unrelated* Equips: Head upper:Fking helm(2x white lady/2x vesper) Head middle:Anything(white lady/kiel card/vesper) Head lower:Anything(kiel) Armor:Fking armor(2x orc lord/RSX-0806+high priest/ord lord+high priest/2x tao gunka) Weapon:Legendary paladin spear/valk.weapons(samurai spectre+stormy knight+2x phreeoni/samurai spectre+2x bloody knight+turtle general) Shield:Fking shield(golden thief bug/maya*need 2 more cards for 100% single target matk reflect*) Garment:Fking cloak(2x skoll/2x raydric/2x noxious/2x kasa/2x salamander) Footgear:Fking boot(2x dark lord/2x general egnigem cenia/2x amonra) Accessory:2x INT gauntet/2x VIT gauntet/ring of resonance+ring of flame lord) *For 100% single target matk reflect, you"ll need 2x frus(armor)+maya(shield)+2x cat o' nine tails(boots) ENJOY~ :th_ok:
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- Grand cross
- paladin
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For this topic, name 5 Paladin in game that are good in Pvp/WoE/GvG/BR wise. Must be active and up to date. From 1 being the best.
Greetings ForsakenRO community! I am kinda new to this forums thing and I'd like to try to be active as I can on the forums. I've been playing this server since October 2014 sooo I guess I'm kinda old? I hope its not too late to introduce myself to you guys! My in-game names are "K A H B E D", "Ordinary Steel Wall" Both paladins, and "YatoSL" my beloved Soul Linker I'm mostly on my Pally and Soul Linker AFK-ing from time to time :th_ok: I love to go on raids and make new friends :th_no1: so if you see me in Fcity, say hi :th_gawi: Shout out to b0ss Aerofox ey b0ss and to my guildmembers in BahtHole! you guys are awesome!
Please Leave IGN
I was walking at for_fidl01 watching people pvp there and there's a pally kept 'shield boomerang' me. I asura the pally and died hard on the spot by my own damage and the pally looked just fine . Then I changed equips and cards and when I asura again, I was left with low hp on my side and the pally 'martyed' me to death. I tried to TSS the pally and the damage was lowered significantly by 'defender' and just 'rapid smitting' and shield boomerang me. When i casted pneuma, the pally just 'smite' me away from it. I dont know how to win decisively in this situation... SO, anyone has suggestions, strategy and tips for me on how to kill a pally or what char that is more suitable to pvp pally class char? I know they are mostly devoter in woe but they sure are tough.
Seeing how things change drastically specially for paladin classes with the new gears / set i think the pally Halb weapon is being left behind in some sort, i really cant pinpoint at which exactly . Comparing the effects Odins Avenger Vs Pally Halb I can relate this in having Freyrs Blade vs LK Halb. In pally, I see the Pally halb be more of a battle type weapon than as of the Odins, but seeing the Odin effects make me think that Pally Halb is Definitely useless (to be honest). So why not Improve this weapon? My suggestion is. Increase Damage done to Demi-humans: from 17% - 20% STR: 20 Dex: 10 INT: 20 MAX HP: 15%-20% (since adds no vit in this weapon and battle type) MATK: 5% to 10% Increase Grand Cross Damage: from 15% - 20% or 23% (depends) FAQs Why? -Simple to make this class volatile -I think everyone only assumes that pally is only best for support, Devo/Tank/Chant/Ecall -To showcase that pally can also fight using magic and physical. I think as of now ill end it here, so add more inputs here guys thanks!
- 7 replies
- Paladin
- Valkyrie Weapon
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Any one playing a Sheila chain/ holy cross paladin. is it viable or martyrs. Just wins out overall What would be a ideal gear and stat set up
With the use of ghostring , raydrics , range reduction and various damage redux. Has led to a virtual death of the sc paladin. If we could revive it how could we go about it I can think of 2 ways pls feel free to discuss 1. Make thanatos/ice pick effect work with shield chain . what that will do is at least force a slight gear change on cloaks where u will have to switch in raydrixs for skool. Ghostring already makes tanking it relative easy but now u have a little extra punch. Or 2. Enable converter elemental change to . It won't be a ignore def skill like Spiral or so so it should be easier to handle. just to keep in mind to make sc effective paladins will have to give up on tankyness . And be more str oriented so we don't have to worry about a case where I just added damage to a real tanky guy.
I recently tried to join a party for GoH and somebody told me that Paladins are not needed. Why is this the case? Why are some class more preferred to be with in GoH and Aegir? It's really fun to party up, interact with others, and kill some mobs. It's really sad. =(
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