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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Happy ramadhan kareem fot muslim.

    1. niemono89


      After one month of that, will be *rendang* and *lemang* fever! :P

    2. kyoshiro029


      :o idk any of those celebration/traditions... but best regards

    3. Nas


      O this kindda 1mont we have to fasting. And we celebrate eid(we eat alot on this day uknw)

  2. Ye there is,cursed has addtional atk% . Just dont refer it from old description(the 2013 one)
  3. Nice update. So sn ring are available, did it will have specific cape/jacket/ribbon for sn?
  4. Nas

    Count To Infinity

  5. Probbly? Tpbm like bollywood
  6. Hm kindda,if i wasnt iNgame,i do like every 1min? tpbm dont like cinnamon
  7. Nas


    Welcome ! Have fun!
  8. Nah i dont. Tpbm like milkshake!
  9. Nope. 3month to go~ Tpbm dont know how to handle a sulking gf/bf
  10. Yep i do! Tpbm are complicated person
  11. Nope, click on kafra and choose the platinum skill. Viola! U got em
  12. Nas

    Trading Some Stuff

    WhitesmithBlessRingSet with mforger+ token to proffC/bioB set. Or add token for full set thanks
  13. Bump!
  14. Wb huehuehue
  15. Nas

    One Word Story

  16. Sell or trade 0Ltd.GreenSET(10K) OR TO P.EMP+SA+TOKEN OR ?? feel free to comment your offer. Thanks
  17. Yes i do ! Tpbm hatred person
  18. If your level kindda low,just go pay_fild may help you
  19. ^ Yes kyo right. Since you were mention about higher level killing a low level,yea you can do try the map that kyo listed. Or if that still bother you, you can find me in game Narnia if i on,i'll help you in that. Enjoy the game bro.
  20. Lmao of course mate ! Tpbm are lovely person
  21. Ofc i do. Caramel popcorn is love ! Tpbm love spicy food
  22. Nah. I just download it straight from google if i love some songs o.O Tpbm eat pasta yesterday.
  23. Nah i hate cake for some reason. TPBM born in november
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