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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Go11 used to be malaysia/indo hangout port. And still up for now.
  2. Life is a journey not a destination. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. For now yes it is. Enjoy your stay. Dont be addict to pixels, work/study/family should be your 1st. good luck and have fun!
  4. Back in my day, bunch of semi geared ppl dare to came fild to pvp even they with scarf,baloon etc.
  5. Yah. I fall asleep when we all stand to sing a country song. And ppl thought im fainted. Lol Tpbm has an epic moment that he/she cant forget it till now. *what is it
  6. Nope. Lol jk. Ofc Tpbm shy af irl
  7. Depends on your taste. For me dagger still the best. Their nature itself give 100% to small monster(emp) While odex(sword) give 75% to small monster. But oDex have such wonderfull stats,with str,att% etc. Make that sword not bad at all.
  8. If you'are absent during my struggle, dont't expecct to be present during my succes

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kyoshiro029



      ( ・ω・)=つ≡つ

      (っ ≡つ=つ

    3. Nas



      ( o . o ) <3 <3

      (=o )=o <3 <3

    4. Coquelicot


      I just read your reply.<3

  9. Not really. It just random moving your legs? Haha Tpbm is emo today!
  10. Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nas


      Hm make sense. Sometimes banana. Damn i miss when you be a creepy mob(that looks likes orang utan)

    3. Mystique
    4. Nas
  11. Nas

    Count To Infinity

    8 5 8
  12. Yes i am. Reading iz fun xD Tpbm waiting for God Eater anime season 2
  13. Like title say
  14. Waw never have time to stargazing,most of my time is cook(prolly thats my job) Tpbm love cooking
  15. Back in my days There was no thana room, you need to summon it like how other server do.
  16. Yes we are in high rate server. Back then all of it is balanced, most of increase on damage is 10-50%, but now. 100-500% . You can see 70-100k damage everywhere. FTW
  17. Slow down. That temp tho

  18. +1 on this. Just dont make em too useless in 1v1.
  19. ^ one hit? seriously?. With triple HP ranker, TK just have 400k. He could dead by reflect(reflect shield), even so he have a pally devoing all the time,that 800k should kill both pally and. Are you sure that dead pally is not devoing anyone? With damage that he tanked,and a TK damage, a asura. Yes he can dead by 1hit if that so. But your point is 1hit to pally 800k by Tk. That nonsense. Waw. Yes you're right about nobody force him to go ranker, and thats the difference between people that struggle to be good in their build/job and people that just can say "noone force you". it just about HARD WORK. Its still counterable,i fight em with 2ol and desperado,and yeah i can kill em(solo).
  20. +1 teach me how to combo meow
  21. +1 indeed I've face tk's top10, it was tough pvp since i need to reflect those damage while hitin. So yeah.if i got big damage,tk's should die easily.(unless against autopots)
  22. I luv moneh

    1. kyoshiro029


      ʕ´• ᴥ •`ʔ < who doesn't)

    2. Nas


      People that waste alot on game? Ye dat kind of pepo :3

  23. Nas

    Ip Or Crit?

    Crit,cheap and good even 1hand
  24. If you see forum. You'll see ticket thingy
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