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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Recolor also Vote VHelm and Vhelm.. need Teal hihi :D
  2. No, actually Mammonite type SN are not that bad even if they are using Inca. i most likely do 20-30k damage to other jobs and 50-60k to SinX even if my opponent is geared my damage will not be below 20k.. but if the opponent is wearing reducs the estimated damage is about 10-15k per Mammo so i might say its not that bad since you can also spam mammo fast enough. And another thing, im gonna edit about the 3xTG+1xThana since 3xTG doesn't stack, might as well be 2xTG+1xThana+RandomCard like what you suggested. Thanks for correcting me though
  3. Since Kafras and Healers(soon) are now available in each town. maybe a Broadcaster should be implemented. Broadcaster in fcity is sometimes crowded or sometimes a Mina tries to ruin it. Broadcasters in each town would help us especially those people that are laggy in fcity (like me, sometimes). Hope i hear from my Suggestion xD
  4. Healer in each town will be implemented soon. maybe on the next update
  5. as what ive said its useless because novices doesnt have Double Strafe skill. and for stalkers, its natural for them to use bow because bows are also meant for them. BUT.. if implementing DS Skill for super novice could work, then i agree with your suggestion. but wouldn't it be too OVERPOWERED? since Super novices has TONS and TONS of skills.. Melee and Magic and now RANGE?
  6. wouldn't it be unfair to us that bought f.dagger for big amount of tokens ? :3 well, if that is so i should sell my f.dagger NOW xD
  7. When will be the next update? hmm im SO Excited! :D

  9. Actually the only Archer skill that a super novice has is the Vultures eye and Improve Concentration. There is no need to use the bow if there are no bow skills, to be precise its useless.
  10. Actually.. I am the only Mammonite type Super Baby ingame that time xD and Yes my baby's name is M e l o d y :))
  11. I disagree with you sir.. its actually 1FCPTicket:3tokens :))
  12. Use my Girl charm and wear wedding dress.. and roam around fcity or for_fild xD
  13. +1.. i too died many times because of those flags :3
  14. to redeem back the 200 stat points you simply talk to Prince Theodore again and he will give you the stats :)
  15. Yes, Forsaken Knight Quest gives you +200 Stat points :)
  16. Updated~~~
  17. why -1? O.o
  18. I know that guy.. i wanted to file a ticket too because it was too unfair.. the GM should really make a move about this because it is annoying and unfair
  19. so if the opponent that you cast aspersio uses cursed water, the aspersio will not take effect? so if that is so, can we cast aspersio again? or i cannot anymore?
  20. does aspersio works everytime GM? if so, then it will be useful at WoE am i right?
  21. Best breaker i have ever encountered is.. Ill Coma your Emp.. he tanked all of us in the defending guild, even with asuras, despe and normal hits he still wont die.. there isn't any devo pally there also, so he is alone tanking all of our hits.
  22. I would like to suggest to make more seed rooms.. for example Seed Room 1 Seed Room 2 Seed Room 3 if possible.. because sometimes there are tons of people inside the seed room and i can only manage to hunt 30-40seedtix in an hour instead of 50-60seedtix which is low. it would really help us seed farmers and will surely reward our efforts :)
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