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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. That is so funny! Calling a pecopeco a HORSE xD well the pecopeco also increases the advantage of LK since it increases movement speed i think? :3
  2. Lowest SP is obviously not a disadvantage.. you can always balance your stats and put some to Int for more SP :3
  3. that always happens to me.. i think its about your connection :3
  4. ^ I agree, LK is just too "OVERPOWERED". reading this topic makes me already want to play LK and diss other jobs.
  5. +1
  6. I disagree also with Bombin there.. He is aiming for the top on the PvP ladder why wouldn't he hit everyone who comes inside the Ladder? O.O and also Giap, he is not bullying he just kills everyone he see :3 actually i always laugh when he kills me xD and Bayag. hmmm dont know much but he sometimes just play around but end up killing people :3 well these are what i think are bullies: 1st. VashStampede 2nd. Joker 3rd. Randy Orton 4th. SwitchBlade&Infidelity 5th Ace[Marc] thats all for me i guess? O.o
  7. Yes, there are many filipino people in this RO. :)
  8. I would like to Recommend two guilds .. The Outkast and Lostitulos :) these are the guilds that will help you in gearing up and teach you some basics :D
  9. Welcome to the Server! :)
  10. I think Santa Poring is better since it gives 20% more damage to demihumans and also 15% Less damage to demihumans
  11. *Moved my guide to first post*
  12. not everyone.. there are snipers out there BEWARE O.o
  13. Or just make them use two handed swords instead of 1 handed with shield.. that will help with the HP and def disadvantage.
  14. LK do have alot of HP including all of the defense skills and they actually do alot of damage and it seems to me that they really are hard opponents. My only chance of winning is to Tarot them then AV. thats a 50% chance because they can kill me first with their spiral or bowling bash rather than i kill them with my Tarot+Av. even if i spam AV on them they can tank them all obviously because they have high HP and high defense. ^ Yes i agree with you, and the only option for killing them is Coma or spam like hell :3
  15. Victoria


    Hi Zelos, Welcome to the Server! :)
  16. These MVP rooms enable you to summon an MvP for 100 Million Zeny. and i dont know why you never see them available because when i accidentaly click that NPC i saw some rooms that are available O.o if all are occupied then you just have to wait :) they have 30minutes inside anyways :)
  17. i only use 1 skill bar with all my switching gears in it.. and the other bars for my dance skills (im a gypsy) soo.. i dont think we need 9 skill slots O.o
  18. well, if your pertaining to the ones used in Legendary Weapon.. i used Old Enriched Elunium and Oridecon. It should work with them.
  19. Me want Vanilla Ice Cream!~ :3 <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gagosila123


      yay!!! ^^ like cappucino likes too :)

    3. Victoria


      I love cookies and cream too! but Vanilla is Tastier! :9 all these makes me hungry :3

    4. ScarletDevilmoon
  20. Ohhh~~ Nice! this might be a fun and friendly guild! Let me join! >:) <3
  21. I agree with this but doesnt the Increase in HP a little too much? you can do 20% or 25% though :)
  22. Welcome to the Server! :) well there are custom commands you can find here that can help you like: @whereis (monster name) and @whodrops (item name) and i would like to recommend you to go MvP Sniper with 2TurtleGeneral+2AbysmalKnight Card Bow.. if you need guides etc. you can take a look at our strategy guides and if you need a question feel free to ask our fellow Fro Players including me :)
  23. Well, i think you haven't activated your account yet. you have to activate it through your email and tell us here if it worked :)
  24. but, i agree xD its irritating sometimes going inside kingslayer without any people xD and if this is implemented and many people are inside the PvP room. we already know that when we go inside we will get ganged xD so +1 xD
  25. Victoria

    Buying~ :p

    BUYING: Sif's Golden Whip PM ME Ingame: Sweet Dreamz~ or Liv IGN! :)
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