Gypsy and Clown Guide
Gears: VoteValkHelm,VHelm,Etc.: 2Kiels AnyAura: 1Kiel RS,VoteScarf: F.Soldier or MayaPurple F.Knight|King Armor: Gr+TGK F.Knight|King Shield: Usakoring and GTB F.Knight|King Boots: 2xFBH F.Knight|King Garment: Skoll+Sinx|Raydric+Sinx|2xRaydric|2xSkoll|Raydric+Skoll Accessory: 2L.DexGaunts or 2DexBelts or 2 Freyrs L.Whip|L.Lute|Bragis|Sif'sGoldenWhip: 2xTG+1xInca+1xSkelWorker Stats: Dex: 280+ (must be divisible by 10) Agi: Until 195aspd (put dex first) Vit: until 180k+ HP Str: 100-120 for carrying seeds Int: 50-100 a little int so you can use Jupitel Thunder on int users. Luk: NONE
Use L.Imma always for Gr Users but If your damage is low switch to L.Shadow Arrow..
if your opponent is a melee type with great damage, use your Jupitel Thunder skill to knock him/her then Arrow Vulcan if your opponent has alot of HP (Paladins,LK and SuperNovices) Tarot then AV xD Champ Tips:
usually this job is the hardest to beat. their just damn fast once you fought a pro and experienced one. And as what ive said, jupitel to knock them off their pneuma and if they use GTB, AV them to death it will be easy. problem about them if they use RSX+Gr Armor. you cant knock them.
Once they switch to that armor they wont be using GTB since Jupitel Thunder gives crap damage and they wont mind that at all. now all you have to do is to keep your distance and tarot them then jt. BUT if their using Rsx+Gr and GTB your quite doomed. because tarot doesnt work on GTBs. but still dont act coward and warp away. keep your distance and AV them to death, once they pneuma go farther then AV. if their using tss, just AV them while their in pneuma until that damn pneuma disappears and they die xD
a Tip for WoE Gypsy:
once you get inside a castle use Slow Grace immediately.. after that use CSpeeds and run to the emp. once your in the emp Slow
grace those Breakers. if your defending Slow Grace at emp entrance then wait for a couple of seconds then go near emp and tarot
some devo pallies (if you see one) that will piss them off (use jupitel thunder to see if your tarot will work, if the pally is wearing GTB,
AV the hell out of him/her, once your damage decreases, then the Pally switched shields, try using jupitel thunder again and
if it works, spam TAROT) Also, Clowns are also useful to detect Breaker sinx, just use Unchained Serenade and your ready to go :)
Best Skill for WoE Gypsy and Clown:
Use the ENSEMBLE skill Classical Pluck on emp room or maybe on emp Classical Pluck is a skill that disables all skill around the Area of Effect. (Note: you need a gypsy and a clown together to unlock the ensembles, must be near each other) Let's just wish it works and wish that no one suggest to nerf it :3 Bow type Gypsy/Clown at WoE
You are useful for attacking breakers/defenders on your way to the emp use 4x LoD card on your weapon so there's more chance to coma your opponent use normal attack on them, making them walk slower since their being hit they wont mind you sometimes because they are in a hurry, but as the coma effect get triggered they die instantly. this is useful for defending if you have atleast 2-3 more gypsies/clowns
Raid Gypsy:
Usually Gypsies are only for tarot at raids, but they can be offensive too. Use L.Imma for your default arrow and AV these monsters instead of tarot them GOH Raid: Wraith Dead
Evil Druid
Aegirs Raid: Gray Coelecanth Also use Water Arrow for the Minorous ones at GOH raid, they die easily :P (Other monsters TAROT :P thats the reason they hired you for) The reason i recommend gypsies/clowns to AV the monsters instead of Taroting them is because it will be easier and less time consuming to do so. Tip for GOH Raid:
Leave the garms to gypsies/clowns, they can tarot it easy. It will be time consuming if you kill them one by one.
Tip for Aegirs Raid:
your not just there to tarot monsters, but Dazzler/FrostJoke will also be useful once those COELACANTHS got spawned. their so many and all might die if you dont use Dazzler/FrostJoke. Once you stun/freeze them, their doomed.
ALSO, Before you go on and explore the gypsy/clown world, read the comments section,
there are useful informations given there by different people
Thats That! well i think Clowns are the same. You can use slow grace even if your a clown just get soul linked and your good <3
Good Luck! xD
also for Pro Clowns there or maybe Pro Gypsies.. feel free to correct me if i said something wrong :)
if you have more Questions PM Sweet Dreamz~ or Vanilla Cream~ xD