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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. may i ask how many berry tix you can farm in an hour?
  2. what is hprc? O.o if u mean HIGH SPEED CART RAM its hscr :)
  3. Ayothaya might be nice as well .. :))
  4. Offline Game: Final Fantasy Tactics Online Game: Ragnarok :3
  5. GM may i ask how much are those helms as of now? Thanks in advance
  6. +1.. now that i think of it.. it looks to me that dark angel is just for looks O.o
  7. Updated~
  8. SB Sinx wont be annoyed or have a disadvantage with this because they can use Back Slide to run after they killed someone or after they got dispelled or their armor broke.. I think only HW will have a disadvantage on this or some other class.. but i do agree on this suggestion because i sometimes get annoyed when warpers try to kill me and when im near them they warp :3
  9. Prontera would be great :)) i once went there and there are few vendors there that sometimes arent given much attention because only few people goes to prontera.. and there is a huge space for vendors there and i would be happy to look at all their vends with much more space :))
  10. Devi 3toks Ea
  11. Ill buy your Str Gaunts IGN: V a l e n t i n e PM ME im online :))
  12. Strategy.. for example what a WS need to do if the opponent is a Sniper, Clown, Champ etc. to survive or to kill them etc.
  13. I have to suggest to renovate the mall into a more wide, more room and space.. because there are now many vendors there and sometimes i cant find the vendor that im looking for because of the many vendors compressing.. so i suggest to reinvent the mall and make more space for us to feel free to shop for items we need. npc or a vendor.. either one.. hope i hear from my suggestion.. P.S Is it just me or im being OCD? O.o Sry for my grammar :3
  14. Updated~
  15. Legendary angel of ghost? is that the big black angel that is in your back? Or is it the mask with some wings on its side? what stats does it give? and what type of headgear is it? Mid? Low? .. Can i obtain it via quest?.. What stats also does helm of darkness gives? is it questable? how much tokens will it cost if i were to buy one? .. Thanks for the help :)
  16. Do Aloevera improves the damage of Whitesmith's CT??
  17. Updated~
  18. Can somebody post a strategy guide for WS here? I would really appreciate it if someone would :))
  19. I advise you to spam Final Strike if the damage is low and just berry to get max hp again.. i also suggest using kiels? maybe for faster spamming? :))
  20. Base on my research.. Final strike ninjas use HP to damage.. so i advice you to have a full hp/vit set and then try if there are some increase on ur damage
  21. Thanks for the guide really helpful :)) .. i got a question though.. how much are SinX cards now?
  22. Tired~ Sleepy~ :3

  23. Tired~ Sleepy~ :3

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