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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. 1) Donators are those players that donate to the server and will be rewarded donate gears which has pretty good effects., 2) Random People are those people that goes to PK areas or PvP spots (newbies, ungeared and geared) 3) Ungeared Players are those players that are wearing jumping poring hat, fknightset etc.
  2. Lol.. what i am actually do is pneuma, cloak then hit the pneuma again hit to death.. WS are supposed to hit very low when it comes to stalkers.. i dont know how i killed him but i did. im not lieing or anything. he sometimes killed me but i killed him more than he killed me. and btw about the strip. i use FCP everytime i go PvP. sometimes i dont because there are no stalkers or strippers. but when my opponent is a stalker, i never attack them without FCP.
  3. +1.. i too killed a cocky stalker (forgot his name) with full donates (skullaura,stalkersb,etc.) who tries to kill everyone who is in his way.. well i got annoyed pretty much and my WS CTed him to death.. he never came back and attacked me after those hits :) that would've taught him a lesson xD
  4. Maybe its because some Donators discriminates us non-donators.. some donators are just too cocky and boastful and they think they rule the game though they have just joined for a short period of time compared to the non donators that worked hard for their gears and farmed some items for tokens. Its pretty insulting but it cant be stopped. You cannot please everyone anyways. but i do support those donators that keeps the server up and going. just dont get too cocky or the server will really be down once newbies or other players decided to quit because of their cockiness.
  5. Welcome to the Server! :)
  6. This has already been suggested many times :3 i also suggested this :D i think the GMs will make some sprites for it but its not custom though we just have to wait for the next update. :)
  7. Since no one was giving the guide. i guess i should make a guide xD Correct me if im wrong :) this is my Mammo build Gears: Helm: VoteValk|ValkHelm|etc. |with x2Vanberk or x2SeyrenWindsor Middle: L.Zod|Zod|etc. |with 1xMayaPurple or Vanberk Low: L.SGW|L.Avian|etc. |with 1x Vanberk (note: never use scarf on super novice, it doesnt give stats) Armor: F.Knight|F.King |with x2Tao Shield: F.Knight|F.King.. |one with Usakoring, one with GTB Boots: F.Knight|F.King |with 2xFBH Garment: F.Knight|F.king |with 2xRaydric/2xSkoll/1xRaydric+1xSkoll Accessory: 2StrGaunt/2StrBelts/2Loki'sSeal |with x2Str Rune Weapon: L.NoviceWeap|WhiteRabbitDoll |with 2xTG+1xInca+1xRandomCard(Vr,Metaling,SkelWorker etc) (i use metaling though really works good :D ) if u have thana.. 1xThana+3xTG Stats: Str: 280+ .. (must be divisible by 10) Agi: until 195aspd (note: put dex first) Dex: a total of 450-500 hit Vit: 140+ (until 500k HP) Int: 100int for SP.. Luk: 0 no need for Luk If there is extra Stat points put some to str/agi/dex/vit (note: vit should be 150 only or you'll suffer to death with Acid Bomb) Extra Tip: use BOX OF STORMS + ALOEVERA for more damage
  8. I think its because its not implemented yet. i think they will be available at late 2013
  9. My 3rd job sprites are working, did you already downloaded this? ftp://patc.forsakenserver.net/fRO_3rdjobs_v2.3.zip It gives the 3rd job sprite files, just extract them to your FRo Folder
  10. It was a quest. but its not available now. to get it, you need to buy it from other people who has them. it costs around 80-100toks :)
  11. Does 4 Sword Guardian stack?
  12. Does Sword Guardian drop its card? i tried hunting the card and already killed many Sword Guardians still no card :3
  13. Hi! Welcome to the Forum :)
  14. He said he is only using them for PvM not for PvP. so theres no reason to NOT upgrade it. But, if you want to PvP, i advice you not to upgrade them :)
  15. There is a link for 3rd Job Sprites: ftp://patc.forsakenserver.net/fRO_3rdjobs_v2.2.zip
  16. Welcome to FRO! :)) Dumadami Pinoys dito ah :)) Hope to see you ingame!
  17. Price check: Helm of Darkness Red ROP Red Sacred Wings Black Sacred Wings Red Emperium Aurora Thor's Hammer Hope someone answers.. Thanks <3
  18. Updated~
  19. Welcome! :))
  20. Go to the travel center at FRo Town (@go 25) then talk to the safari NPC.. Note: You need 5 Event Tokens to proceed to the safari zone where you can catch monsters
  21. Welcome to the Server :)
  22. Victoria

    Buying Stuffs~

    BUYING: 2x Kiel [60ea] 2x FBH [30ea] 2x Deviling [4ea] Thank you for your Patronage :)
  23. Updated~
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