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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. I had fun too! and i would love it if we would fight again today or tomorrow? just see ya in game! :D
  2. +1 it would be like the storage which is account based. and no need for interest though xD
  3. Welcome to the Forums! Nice meeting you skab! BTW this is Vanilla~ if you happen to know her :))
  4. Yap that was actually stated on my post LOL not pertaining to Vote VALK helms since i do know that there is a Legendary Color Exchanger xD
  5. Welcome back! :)
  6. I would like to suggest to implement an NPC that Changes the color of Vote Helms like Piamettes and Scarves.
  7. I agree with you.. +1 As what ive said they will dominate the game. since they have the Es skills that gives corresponding debuffs. champs can't easily asura them if they keep running away and esma them.
  8. -1 for me. the people that has emps will sacrifice some money and have to think twice before they actually do that. for example a Green Emp and an Orange Emp. they are costly about 600toks+ and they want to combine them just for +5Stats which is not a big deal. even though this will be implemented i wouldn't combine two expensive emps just for +5 Stats xD
  9. and also about the books. some newbies are buying the books that are easy to hunt because they dont even know that the book they have is the book that is required. for example: the Pile of Books now, that is Legendary Book on Legendary Weapons then. i saw some newbies buying that book then i gave him the Pile of Books for free but he said that, that isn't the right book. It would really help them if the guide itself is edited and updated.
  10. Only know a few clowns.. 1st. Lustre` 2nd. I am Knight 3rd. None 4th None 5th None
  11. Who do you guys think are the best Devo pallies here?(especially at WoE) xD
  12. -1 since it will be overpowered. the last server i went on to has that enabled, and Soul Linkers dominated the whole game.
  13. European&AsianWoE Monday: 14:00 Server time .. 11am California time Fridays: 10:00 Server time .. 7am California time American WoE Wednesday and Saturdays: 20:00 Server time .. 5pm California time Friday WoE 2.0: 19:00 Server time .. 4pm California time Hope i helped :)
  14. Welcome to the Server! :)
  15. +1 shame on them for misleading newbies >:(
  16. it is not that necessary but still it helps. fcity is a little bit crowded and sometimes i DC there :3
  17. ^ Actually the reason i recognize you is, you always AD me when im going at the emp haha xD if you want to be a good WoE bio try asking Nightmare Zero :)
  18. how about Valk Arrows or something? xD
  19. I dont think it gives +3% max HP since it is not stated on the item itself. and i tried removing my Int gaunts on my wiz and my HP didnt increased nor decreased it stayed the same. so as to my conclusion it was before i think but was removed.
  20. When it comes to PvP Ladder: BOMBIN~ERRYDAY and when it comes to WoE bio: NightMare Zero FCP Bio: Precious Bio (just wanna say her name xD) Ohh and my Bio is best in FCPing since i FCP random people.. (nah just kidding xD)
  21. Welcome to the Server! :)
  22. Will there be a cursed ring guide soon?
  23. . those are nice pictures! you could take on photography ^_^ Another Random thing i do is to go to hugel and stay at an inn. i dont know why i go there but it keeps me relax and comfortable. :DD
  24. Victoria


    Welcome to the Server! :)
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