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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Just wanna post this for Filipino players here. American WoE: Thursday and Sunday 8am Philippine Time European and Asian WoE: Tuesdays 2am Philippine Time Fridays 10pm Philippine Time WoE 2.0 Saturday 7am Phil Time GoodLuck Guys! :D
  2. +1 Plok :)
  3. ^ I dont even know those guy O.o i just know Kitrock well my top 5: 1. +Shadow+ (LOL) 2. THE HUNDREDS 3. Skab 4. Monaco <3 5. transgression :o thats all in all for me xD
  4. Welcome Back to the Server! many Friendly people today you'll get along quite well :)
  5. Welcome to the Server! :)
  6. Welcome to the Server, Nicole! :)
  7. Khukri is available at the Item Mall at the left side of Fcity. the dagger NPC is selling it. it costs 240,000 Zeny but if you lack Zeny you can farm them at abyss_03. Hunt treasure boxes there and sell them at the mall. each Treasure Box costs 150,000 Zeny.
  8. Welcome to the Server! :)
  9. 1st. DarkSide 2nd. Nanae 3rd. Summoning 4th. Alexander Baxter 5th. none :3
  10. is that a rainbow emp? O.o
  11. 1st. Smoke Detector 2nd. Quarantine 3rd. DivX 4th. James de slinger 5th. Jolie :)
  12. Welcome to the Server! :D
  13. Please file a ticket to the ticket center so GMs can solve your problem :D
  14. Hopeless~

    1. ako.ikaw123


      can i ask why a small rectangle appear when i open the forsaken ro patcher?

    2. ako.ikaw123


      cause i'm new here

    3. Victoria


      Sorry Late Reply.. thats because that is the patcher. you have to patch the game first then when its already patched click Start :)

  15. Welcome to the Server! :)
  16. Creators will be the best job for farming there. just dont forget to FCP yourself or you'll get stripped.
  17. You Trust me.. but i dont know if i should trust you :'(

    1. Victoria


      A drama status by Victoria! ^_^

    2. Drunk
  18. -1 Legendary Weapons and Valkyrie Weapons will be useless once these are implemented.
  19. just to make it clear, im not against you. Im just explaining my side of opinion. No harm done
  20. 5toks for cheapest L.Arrows i think. and most common arrows are L.Imma+L.Shadow. L.Imma for Gr Users and L.Shadow for non-Gr Users. sometimes you can buy the elemtal arrows like wind arrow,water,fire, etc. for Raid.
  21. you can reset your position at Control Panel.. ControlPanel->LogIn->MyAccount->(your character's name)->ResetPosition (its at the top) :D
  22. Welcome to the Server! :)
  23. we can earn our votes for the 1000 vote points colored RAW which takes pretty long to get. and this will actually help because sometimes we just stick with the colors we have instead of changing them because there is no color exchanger for those helms and it will take awhile to get another same item but just different color. Its the same thing as voting for the piamette/scarf. even if we already have them we wouldn't vote for another one anymore since we already have the item itself. we are not voting for what we need instead we are just making a collection of colored piamettes/scarfs.
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