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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Lets talk about what we dreamnt about last night! I dreamnt about a guy, he has a beautiful voice which makes me go near him. but when im about to look at his face, i woke up O.o maybe my prince charming has a good voice <3
  2. i haven't seen any of them inrl so i have to say cute personality and appearance :)
  3. Uhhh Maybe Not :3 i haven't seen you ingame yet :3 have i?
  4. Dreams are like the stars, you may never touch them, but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny. <3

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. coffee break

      coffee break

      Dream is [GM]Dream

    3. Precious Bio

      Precious Bio

      @Victoria: I don't know :(

    4. Victoria


      @Precious Bio: Everybody has a destiny sweetie! you just have to believe in yourself :)

  5. If that is so, we girls will pick the Most Charming guy :)) Uhmmm.. Vtec WAS charming before, but he is fugly now so Nah Charming Guys i know: Darren Kayl El Amicable Lofty Vince(DivX) Plok Nightmare Zero Ferth im a little crazy but i think.. faiz is a lil, just LIL charming? O.o Did i miss someone? O.O
  6. Victoria


    Welcome Back to the Server! :)
  7. Nope, Vote and Original FKing gears cannot be combined, (well they can be combined but the set effect will not be unlocked) And Expansion Helms only work for Original FKing Gears not Vote. :)
  8. Im not very sure about Alphoccio either since we can spam tarot that fast, but the reason that it seems slow is because its only 40% Chance. thats why sometimes the Skill fails and doesnt cast tarot. so the skill delay isnt a big help. Maybe the Alphoccio card effect can be the same effect as Trentini or maybe this effects: Autocast Slow Grace by 15% when receiving physical Damage Increase Melody Strike damage by 5% Garment Card Thats my suggestion :D
  9. Thank You Very Much! :)
  10. Ohh i love that determination! I sometimes experiment some foods and test if they can work real good. I also make my own Recipes. Im still learning some French Cuisines. And i cant wait to see your new baby! <3 say Hi to your husband for me :). Riley and Lily are so so CUTE! I had a dog so cute once but she died :'( her name is Cyber. i really wish i could touch your dogs. <3 And im always happy to help :) Before i forgot.. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! <3 your birthday is April 27 right? if im mistaken please ignore xD
  11. I think the best item that cost big when you sell them to NPCs is the Treasure Box.. you can get them from abyss_03 from Gold Acidus. Each Treasure Box costs 150,000 Zeny or higher (if your using a Merchant Class with Overcharge Skill). to make it easier for you, type @alootid 7444 so you can loot the Treasure Boxes easier :) And Also.. Your Dacshunds look GORGEOUS! I really love Dogs than cats. Their so cute with their outfits <3 I wish i can touch them inrl :< OMG we can be good cooking buddies! What do you love to cook? I cook different Italian dishes and maybe American :) I really hope i see you ingame and talk about our recipes and dishes! hihi :D
  12. Heya! Welcome to the Server! :) I also love your signature! Ish so Cute! <3 Hope to see you ingame! :)
  13. It is actually free to host events via the BC. what the people would want about this is just the TITLE. being called Forsaken Mayor or Mayor feels so good and makes you so so proud like its a big big thing. I think that is the only positive thing about doing this.
  14. I am not sure about Trentini here since Trentini is obviously a gypsy, and i dont think +Int and +Mdef would help that much. I suggest these card effect for trentini: Increase Arrow Vulcan damage by 3% +10 MDef Garment Card (This card is only applicable to Gypsy) What do u guys think? :3
  15. not usually, if you want to make them stop, they might just continue insulting you and you might get pissed off. If you feel offended and feels that they had been too much.. i recommend you to take some ss and report them at the ticket center :)
  16. I have a question about this.. Do all the items here can be bought for 100toks? or there are items like WINGS here that can be bought less than a hundred tokens?
  17. Yes, u need 5Etoks to enter the safari. Yes, it is still the same. and the safari employee will give you 120 safari balls. just double click the items or put it in your hotkeys and click on monsters. :)
  18. Of course its SCARLETDEVILMOON she is the baby dancer.. she is cute and sexy.. the perfect player your searching for :) and also one of the cutest is.. GM CAPPUCINO! YAY! and now.. Me is the most FUGLY and FAT person in FRO xD
  19. Heya! :D and uhhh No, i dont get it xD :)
  20. you can if you bring a bio.. then FCP your char that is already dead because you used your bio :P
  21. Another Cheap Move i can think are those Wizards that cast SG then warp.. including the sniper warpers :)
  22. The requirements ish so hard :3
  23. Click http://www.forsaken-...id=1&record=109 to see the stats of Aquarius Diadem Helm and other Quest Helm
  24. The LHZ Aurora quest is still not available at wiki. You can list all the requirements needed in a notepad or something at the moment while their still making the guide :)
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