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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. I think they just put alot of spaces and a dot at the end.. i saw a sinx with that name and theres a dot at his name :3 try testing it
  2. thats why im recommending players to wear Orc Hero Cards for the anti-stun effect :3 Or maybe add the anti-stun to valk helms etc. like the anti-freeze, just to make those skill a little bit useful
  3. I dont know what title to make xD anyways.. I would like to suggest that to remove the Anti-Stun effect if you have a bit of a vit. Its because some skills became useless like WS Hammer Fall and Gypsies Dazzler. Its unfair for gypsies that clowns can froze players while they just scream and nothing is happening. Orc Hero card will be useful if this is implemented. and that card at the same time those stun skills will also be useful if this was implemented. just a suggestion, really :3
  4. Welcome to the Server! for your first character, i recommend using a High Wizard first to gather your gears and to earn tokens :) Then once you feel that your tokens/gears are sufficient, you can then make a new job like what you said, a ninja :) Hope to see you ingame soon!
  5. Glad i can help :) Here is the link for custom maps: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=110 and the custom mobs: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=111 GoodLuck! :)
  6. First of all, Welcome to the Server! :) and i recommend you to make a Legendary Weapon of your class. after that make Legendary Zodiac Aurora then next are 2 Legendary Gauntlets :) the difference between other servers and ForsakenRO is that ForsakenRO has its own customs like Legendary Equips/ForsakenKnight&KingSets/ForsakenEquips etc. :) it also has custom maps and custom mobs :)
  7. you need 1 Zenorc Fang,1 Heart of Mermaid, 1 Empty Bottle ,1 Alcohol and 1 Medicine Bowl(buyable at alchemist shop) also you need the Glistening Coat Creation guide book (also buyable at alchemist shop at mall) once you have all those items use Prepare Potion skill and TADA! you have your glistening coats.. if you collect 100 Glistening Coats you can exchange them for 1 FCP Ticket :)
  8. Lol.. im not in a race or something xD
  9. Thanks for pointing that out <3 imma put it on the rules :)
  10. Have you played ForsakenRO before? or is this your first time opening it?
  11. same. its about the Country Internet/Internet xD also maybe about the connection, if its stable or not
  12. Is your internet stable? maybe its because of your internet :3
  13. I think its about your RO setup. Try fixing your setup.. I would also recommend you to speak in english so others may Answer your question :)
  14. It actually depends on the person that are using those words :3 Usually as what most people say here that its just for their buddy names. and as what ive said, if you feel offended, report them :)
  15. OMFG YOUR TALKING GHOST :( Granted, but when you shoot you land so wrong that your bones from your leg got out of your leg and you cant play basketball anymore :3 I wish i can see a shooting star <3
  16. Heya! i still cant meet you ingame :( ill BC for you when im online :D i really want to meet you :) I guess its because im a lonely girl xD
  17. This is my own self-made event.. it is called BLACKHOLE event Venue: a Square Room with a hole at the center like ayo_dun01 28 28 which when you fell you die. Rules: 1. PK is disabled 2. All must move around the square (If you stop you die seriously :P) 3. If you purposely fell on the Hole and the warp is closed. Your already disqualified :P 4. Strictly NO GTB/RSX allowed. If GM found out your wearing GTB/RSX automatic disqualified :P 5.. Good Luck! Instructions: All Participating players will be warped on a Square Room with a Pit at the center. the GM will then tell all the instructions and rules. Once the Game Started, the GM will cast storm gust/ArrowRepel/JupitelThunder/CartRevolution/ChargeAttack or any other Knockback skills. until some players fell. You must survive and the last person to not get sucked by the blackhole WINS xD P.S GMs damage should be 1 only or players might die xD What do you guys think? xD
  18. Well, maybe remove tabs from your browser. that might help :D if it doesn't your internet is slow, try restarting your router :)
  19. are those xmas quest still available? its the start of summer O.o Bloody Branch can summon ANY boss. No difference between their drops. Its like a Boss respawning on its map, but this one is just summoned.
  20. I think I'd have a Heart Attack~~ <3

  21. try to check your ping.. ping forsakenserver.net
  22. Aigoo, Are you pertaining to my list? :3 those are just the people i know, dont take them too seriously :3 xD
  23. Ohh im just being honest :3 Also once you gave birth to your baby take a pic :D me wanna see <3 kayl you look good! :D
  24. Granted, but your ticket lottery got robbed and you unexpectedly saw on TV that you won! :P I wish i was pretty :3
  25. Another dream i have just this morning is.. A guy saving me on a cliff but i cant remember the face :3 it might be real steel xD
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