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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Or maybe put all the MvPs there but they dont drop any drops if they get killed >:3
  2. Victoria

    Id Blocked

    Please file a ticket at the ticket center :D
  3. -1 .. it will be hard to determine who's the best player and what's the best guild and may result to flame wars.. But i will agree if there will be a poll, and players will nominate the best players/best guild. once their nominated, players will now vote who's the best guild/player. the highest vote will obviously win making him/her or the guild the best. this should be done weekly. but still it will be hard for players because there are many pro's out there, me myself cant even think who's the best
  4. Unfortunately, i disagree with you :/ we have alot of quest available right now which is a little bit different with the donate ones. lets just say that your suggesting Legendary Skull Auras and Legendary ROPs, mostly they are for looks and also the additional stats it gives. If there will be Legendary Skull Auras and Legendary ROPs, people wont donate for them anymore, thus making the donate ones unpopular.
  5. I think its counted as AFK farming which is a little alike with botting and its also punishable :3 Here's the punishment: AFK Farming (to "AFK" [Away from Keyboard] while your homunculus kills spawns): Farming while AFK gives those players an unfair advantage over those who actually take their time to farm their items. This also applies to AFKing on any class whilst using a Dark Lord card or any other card/item that automatically uses a skill to kill spawns. First offense: -Disconnection Second Offense: -5 hours jail. Third Offense: -10 hours jail.
  6. Nice guide you got there :D
  7. I think you will only go to jail if you haven't put the correct codes 3times.
  8. actually, adam- is right but it has a connection with cursed ring since the two rings need to do the first guide before making a decision to what ring/which side their gonna take. the second guide is just for blessed ring quest while the counterpart the cursed ring guide hasn't been released yet. If you look closely at the end of the first guide, it says that if you pick Odin, he will lead you to the blessed ring quest, where there is a link that shows you to the next quest. while if you pick Loki, he will lead you to the cursed ring quest, but there are no links thus, you have to figure them out yourselves.
  9. LOL xD i didnt know that until now xD Well i love to dream! <3 it makes me feel comfortable and at ease and feel free! <3 :)
  10. all blades actually can't be used together.. like L.SinxCrit+L.Blade or L.SinxDex+L.Blade or L.SinxCrit+L.SinxDex or L.SinxCrit+L.SinxCrit and vice versa. so to sum it up, you should use a dagger type weapon as your left hand weapon. I recommend using an Ice Pick or F.Dagger
  11. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also to believe <3 :)

    1. 91Dazz_
    2. Victoria


      OMG darren, you ruined my status :3

    3. gagosila123


      That's what you called "Dedication". :)

  12. I had a dream today, its about my mother.. i think since its mother's day i get to have that kind of dream. Well here's what my dream is all about: I was once on a vacation with my whole family. Then me and my siblings went for a ride at two different vehicles. me and my other sister we're on the vehicle and my brother+oldest sister is on the other. the vehicle quickly went to a different location other than the riding area itself, we went to a forest and made me nervous. i saw alligators, big birds, lizards and many more creepy animals. then he drived us back at the biking area, and i hugged my mother telling her that im scared.. and she told me, that she will always be with me, protecting me.. OMG i love my mother <3 :'(
  13. What kind of dream is this? Sweet Dreams~ or a beautiful nightmare.. either way i dont wanna wake up~ <3

  14. I think what he wants to say sir Genesis is that, SinXes cannot use L.SinxCrit/L.SinxDex together with L.Blade anymore thus, making them think like its a bad thing.
  15. I encountered this before, and it got solved because i downloaded this: http://www.sendspace.com/file/qfg6hf here are the instructions: http://www.forsaken-...showtopic=21835 Its a manual patch. simply extract them to your FRo folder and patch your Forsaken Patcher
  16. About the silver quest donates, actually Legendary Weapons are 80% of the donate valk weapons not half. and what item/gears do you actually suggest to give half the effect of donates?
  17. Welcome to the Server! :) a tip for fast hunting: use @whereis and @whodrops command to help you with your hunting/farming :)
  18. This have seriously made my day! <3 WEIGHT LIMIT FOR CLOWN AND GYPSIES LEGENDARY AND VALK WEAP FTW! :D
  19. i told you I TRIED. and no im not attacking :3 and you, yourself actually made an insulting comment telling me that im one of those dimwits that dont have any manners. im actually answering your questions making it OFF TOPIC as what you've said. and im not the kind of girl that will get annoyed easily. im actually just sitting on my bed chatting with my friends at fb and waiting for your reply. Okay since i do agree that we're getting a little bit OFF TOPIC. well i guess lets go back to the topic. still i suggest to just ignore them. GM Veracity herself adviced you to ignore them and move on. and you agreed and thanked her for her advice :3 while Me, trying hard to convince you to just ignore them turned out to make me look bad and making myself one of them :3
  20. What if you can convince them to change their decisions? i myself had suggested different things, many had disagreed and i PROVED myself, i had proved myself. yes, i have been offended many times and i have ignored all of them and proved my own opinion. look here at my post: http://www.forsaken-...opic=24273&st=0 i PROVED my own opinion and defend myself.. also look here: http://www.forsaken-...showtopic=23943 I knew from the start that it wont get accepted but atleast i tried, and also i convinced james here that it helps making him change his vote. I HAD BEEN CORNERED STILL I DEFENDED MY OWN OPINION.
  21. If you have a hot head of course you wont ignore it.. but if you just CALM DOWN then maybe you COULD ignore it. I usually get teased, telling me that am i famous or something? because i dress like one. I am a fashionista and i usually dress pretty good clothes and accessories and guess what.. i simple IGNORED them and PROVE to them that their wrong. well, have you prove or maybe explained and defended yourself why you suggested those things? i dont see you defending or proving your own opinions on your post. and also, YOU HAVE TO READ THEIR COMMENT, as what ive said, how would you know if its positive or not? how would you tell if you should ignore it or not?
  22. Of course you will read it.. thats why you gotta IGNORE it. how would you ignore a certain comment if you haven't even read it? also, how would you know if its positive or a negative feedback if your not gonna read it? the reason you need to ignore them is because their nonsense. they dont count as a comment, they count as an insult.
  23. Your so Funny xD I also kinda like bears.. maybe its because of the movie BRAVE O.o :3
  24. OMYGOD! you cindy are a meanie! :( Porings are adorable little pets <3 I should catch one for my baby :D And, Yes i do have a teddy bear, i always put them on my bed shelf just so they can protect me from ghost. maybe at my window or under my bed :3 Creepy The person below me loves Cindy <3
  25. Actually, spamming in forums is against the forum rules here is what its stated: Spam: (to do short/incoherent/irrelevant posts) Seriously, I believe your vocabulary extends to more than "LOL". You have all the time to post; write something insightful. Posts containing only one word will be treated as spam, whether it is relevant to the topic or not. Keep personal one-on-one discussions out of threads - that is what the Private Messaging (PM) system is for. Please note: quoting another's post and re-posting it without any contribution or comment on the original poster's statement qualifies as spam and will be punished as such. First offense: -10% warn. -Post deletion Second offense: --If repeated constantly-- -20% warn per spam post. -24 post restriction. -Post deletion. so, im pretty confident that they won't spam, if they did well they deserve this kind of punishment and also, please state examples on how you can't ignore some certain Insulting comments :3
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