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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Spread your wings like a butterfly~ <3

  2. Bought~ <3 :)
  3. It will be unfair if the donates were to be a quest. I suggest to just bring back the old donations for people to donate for them. If there are no post suggesting to bring back Old Donations, then someone should post them :3 not me :D
  4. I know a stalker named JokerRage who is using that skill and its effective, especially when their not using GTB. try asking him :) if you can xD
  5. If you want to be a magic type stalker, try copying Lightning spear of ice skill from ninja and spam at your target :)
  6. Use other skills like Double Strafe, FocusArrowStrike, Martyr etc.
  7. The Person Above Me is in a love quarrel with El <3 :3
  8. If you are talking about commands to find some specific monster, type @whereis (monster name) also additional tip: use @whodrops (item name) command to know who drops the item you are looking for. you can find some maps you might know here: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=map_db you can use @warp (map name) at those maps :3
  9. Victoria

    Custom Mobs

    Yes, you need the Forsaken Dungeon Pass to enter Forsaken Dungeon. here is the link for the guide of that quest: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=70 :)
  10. OF course! :D <3 RAMEN! :9 *MUNCH MUNCH* Anyways did someone mentioned my name? O.o The Person Below Me loves to jump at cliffs O.o
  11. Thanks <3 /shy But, honestly im MEAN >:3
  12. BUYING: Complete Cursed Ring Requirements PM ME or Leave Message Here~ <3 IGN: Vanilla Cream ~
  13. Here are the stats: Paladin Blessed Ring: Walking speed +15% Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit def by 10% HP +20% SP +5% Vit +35 Reflect +15% Paladin Cursed Ring: Walking speed +15% Reduce Damage taken from Demihumans by 5% Reduce Vit def by 10% HP +10% SP +10% Int +35 Matk +15% Grand Cross damage +15% HP do seem a little big, since their pallies and they naturally have big amount of HP :3 so i do agree with this.
  14. Ohhh, well i think im talkative :3 Ohh your too honest El :3 The Person Below Me ALWAYS takes a bath O.o xD
  15. Yes, i too disagree with this. Lady Tanee is only an alt-shoes if your going full asura and shouldn't be the default shoes :3
  16. Ohhhh! Ramen! *Munch Munch* :3 The Person Beow Me is CUTE <3
  17. Victoria

    The Story Game

    Gummy bears, and ..
  18. Welcome to the Server! :)
  19. False, i dont know that anime :3 The Person Below Me Loves to Cook <3
  20. Vtec is Nice <3 he sold me his D.War for only 10toks :D Precious Bio is Nice too <3 ScarletDevilMoon is Nice (especially to GMs) hihihi >:D kitkat <3 [a]utumn <3 (my guildie) Trudis <3 lightrays <3 kayl <3 Taroter <3 So Wo <3 Plok <3 Shade <3 and Darren, is the most meanest and bully person in the whole FRo community :3 also FAIZ :3
  21. Faiz CUTE? Ops pls slap me i must be dreaming. :3
  22. Uhh Nop it wasn't me :3 and im about 2-3months old already :3
  23. Uhh No :3 im from KAOS named Vanilla Cream~/Sweet Dreamz~/D r e a m z~ :3
  24. Most of them are my friends :3 and for the others, i like their hairstyle :3
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