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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=101 look for the Gold sacred wing item there, they look exactly the same but Legendary Sacred Wing gives lesser stats. Sacred Gold Wing gives 10% Reducs while Legendary Sacred Gold Wing gives 8% Reducs Legendary Sacred Gold Wing is lower :)
  2. Nuh-uh im a big fat liar! >:) Joke! Judge me :3 The Person Below Me loves NOODLES <3
  3. The Person Above Me hates me! :P
  4. I have tried Falcon Assault attack too and deal like about 5-10k damage per hit, and yes Int affects Falcon Assault's damage. a little boost wouldn't hurt :3 so +1
  5. ^ You didn't say something about the person below you :3 anyways, The Person Below Me loves VANILLA~ <3
  6. Welcome to the Forums/Server Tempest :3 I have met you before, so i guess meet you again ingame? hihihi :D
  7. Victoria

    The Story Game

    -Usui is still fighting El. Victoria quickly used tarot on El then POOF! coma tarot (how unlucky). El died and is crying again huhuhuhu! another Victory by Victoria and -Usui, but unfortunately someone came up, he is ..
  8. The Person Above me kept trapping me at for_fild01 :3
  9. Updated~
  10. Unfortunately, No we dont have 3rd jobs..
  11. You did have the books, but she asked you to find some certain books, just go to the next step where you have to find 4 books. Once you found all 4 books, talk to her again :)
  12. Nah, ur nice El <3 i am actually having fun when we're trolling each other :3 but, when it gets too personal, I cry in real life xD OMG im such a cry baby xD anyways.. i realized that, disabling PK on tur_dun04 does help newbies it would help newbies since i dont see geared players camping TG anymore. and also its kinda a question and its not being suggested :3 so no need to say i agree or disagree :3
  13. Me too, i actually changed my mind after knowing the @noks command :3 Well, if there is the @noks command, then it shouldn't be a problem for newbies :3 Though its gonna be hard to find a new map :3 I dont like for_fild01, not because im weak, not because i want to kill more weaker than me. Its because those who i TRAPPED at WoE.. always KoS me, ruining the fun and making me a bit emotional (im a girl LOL, girls are a little bit sensitive when it comes to those things)
  14. The Person Above Me makes situations awkward :3
  15. I thought MvPs that are not summoned are free for all? :3
  16. Also, Cicada Skin Shedding skill? i dont know if thats the name xD and i also dont know if its already disabled. because its kind of a form of running for me :3
  17. Haven't u read our past replies? even if PK is disabled. Geared people can kill the TG much faster than newbies. thus, there's no Benefits. Okay this might become an argument if you say it like that. Pls keep it clean :)
  18. Oh wow! i learned japanese just because of this post xD anyways i do know a little bit japanese.. must be because of animes O.o
  19. Granted, but your little brother got bored and left you behind :P I wish i have a pet turtle <3
  20. I agree.. this wouldn't benefit newbies at all. even though PK is not available. we can just focus on killing TG, thus not making the newbies able to kill it at all. still no benefit for them i thought.
  21. FBH spawns in the same place too. if its for the newbies sake i think abbey02 should disable PK as well. but im not that happy that newbies will get to have more advantage than old players. because me, myself actually bought TG instead of hunting it. which took some of my time to farm seeds. i think we are getting a little soft to newbies, making their life easier.
  22. Victoria

    The Story Game

    Plok had a 1 on 1 battle with El, Plok unexpectedly died. all the Pro's tried to stop El but unfortunately, they weren't succesful. then Victoria heard the news and asked -Usui for help to gang El. the two of them went to for_fild01 then ..
  23. We already have automated events that gives minigame tokens which you can exchange for Etoks. and as i remember, GM Capuccino actually hosted an event yesterday at my time. maybe your just not that activ,e and is not available/online when GMs are hosting events.
  24. Me, myself love to hang out at tur_dun04 not to kill newbies. sometimes for_fild01 is a place for KoSing people thats why the best place to come is tur_dun04. i dont see people killing newbies unless the newbies plan on attacking them and they end up being killed. this is a PK server so expect that you will die just hunting/killing some MvPs.
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