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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. +1.. I actually love to hang out at tur_dun04 because its a smaller than for_fild01 :3
  2. Its the same! xD anyways i gotta go! talk to you later :)
  3. Im fat and fugly :3 have you seen my ingame character? :3 she looks FAT :3
  4. Haha xD well, im using Voluspa as my default weapon, but i think Prof High LOOKS better. thats why xD
  5. There is no limit to how many Legendary Weapons you can make, as long as you have the items, you can make many Legendary Weapons of the exact same char any time you want :)
  6. Dont dare to use Flying kick on me or ill kick your butt >:3 Hohoho!
  7. Glad your happy :) Im also a noob player there xD im just wearing a beret and morning star i think? You dont know how happy i am when i received my morning star xD its just so damn hard to get items there :3 anyways, Hope to see you ingame! ;) I really hope i do because a friend of mine from the forums is always AFK when im online -.- thus, we have never met each other personally ingame :3 Good Luck on your Quest Adventure! :D
  8. Aigoo.. Who's the hottest/cutest/charming etc. is still about FRO.. we talk about FRO players there :3 If you open General Discussion, you can see this: General Discussion Talk about anything related to fRO! :3 and yet again i dont want to ruin the fun xD sorry about that im a little OCD. i just dont like stuffs who aren't organized :3
  9. Thanks <3 Anyways i too, am looking forward to meet you ingame :) I also played PH RO before, but for me FRo is better :3 people at PH RO always snob newbies :3 but here in FRO, all newbies are Welcome including you :)
  10. Victoria

    The Story Game

    they wanna take revenge on El for betraying them. Victoria and -Usui is ready to fight El .. 2 vs 1 .. but as they rush to El. El died by an unexpected BABY SKOLL attack O.O Victoria and -Usui kept laughing at El and El is yet again crying like a baby huhuhuhu :'( then..
  11. Welcome to the Server Jayjay! Your Signature is very creative! :) I am a filipina so dont hesistate to ask me in filipino so you won't need to speak in english :) There are alot of Helpful people here in FRo, so you'll get along with the server pretty well :)
  12. Uhhh .. General Discussion is supposed to be ONLY for RO stuffs :3 but anyways i dont want to ruin the fun :D I haven't tried stealing money from my parents yet O.o maybe ill try later >:3
  13. pls read the past comments.. we're gonna make it 5000 instead 3020
  14. I always bring my Pepper spray incase someones gonna kidnap me :3
  15. This should be on the Off Topic section O.o anyways.. my Cellphone got stolen by a guy who needs help. since im a very helpful little girl back then, i tried helping him. I didnt know that i was on a trap. he said to leave our bags at some place then help him search for a kid. after that he said he will just pee but instead he went to the Deposit Counter and stole our bags :3
  16. Unfortunately, you cant make Enriched Elunium/Oridecon. you need to mine it at for_mine01.. to go to that mine go to for_fild01 and go bottom south. You need an Old Pick and find a Mining Spot.. just keep mining until u get Enriched Elunium/Oridecon. there is a problem there also, your Old pick might break so you better bring ALOT :)
  17. Victoria

    The Story Game

    Victoria went to -Usui's bed and read a fairy tale. Victoria said Good Night and -Usui went to sleep :3 then..
  18. Granted, but they misunderstood and all dressed like a fancy clown for you :P I wish that i can see P!nk personally :3
  19. Victoria

    The Story Game

    Victoria punch Usui's face again for making the situation awkward yet AGAIN. Victoria walked out then..
  20. Granted, but Victoria is not interested, thus she is the only person that doesn't care about the squid, THUS not everyone >:) I wish Michael Jackson is still alive :3
  21. Victoria

    The Story Game

    LOL! then Victoria punched -Usui's face because he is making the situation awkward. then..
  22. Granted, but your too young to have a family and you have no job.. you have no money for food anymore, making your wife leave you with your children and thus, making your life miserable. I wish that DoDo bird didn't get extinct :3
  23. Victoria

    The Story Game

    Victoria and -Usui laughed so hard and stared at El while he is suffering from the poison vanilla ice cream >:3 Victoria taught -Usui her evil laugh.. Hohohohoho! >:3 then..
  24. Granted, but its the middle of summer and your Snow Cone didn't last for a minute :P I wish that i have a pet LION <3
  25. Victoria

    The Story Game

    El snatched her ice cream, then Victoria Cried huhuhu :'( then..
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