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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Have you guys tried it before? :3
  2. Or maybe.. make Tuesday and Sunday GvG time different.. like Tuesday is Asian GvG and Sunday is European GvG something like that :D
  3. I tried that once but in a couple of days, the picture disappears without a word O.o
  4. Im also used to attach/Browsing a file and put it here. but i guess thats not how it works here :3 Well you could succesfully upload a pic with the instructions i gave you :)
  5. upload your pics on a photo editing website (e.g photobucket.com). Once you uploaded them there are direct links there. Click to copy the url. look at the Image icon at your reply box (dont know what its called xD) then paste the url. TADA! you have your pic :D Opsh :3 is this the answer you were looking for? :3
  6. Maybe Tomorrow? :D
  7. Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. :D <3

  8. you can post your real life pictures at Off Topic-->Post Your Picture Thread :) lets see what you look like >:3
  9. We will be having more Event GMs now so it wouldn't be a problem :) Hopefully they will be active and host events to ease our boredom :D
  10. OMG! you dont look like your 29! you look like your in you 18! Honestly So pretty! :)
  11. More Pics More Pics More Pics!! At a shop :) Self Pictures!! <3 and last pic.. Throwback with my cousins <3
  12. The best way to make your Dreams come true is to wake up! :) <3

  13. i wish i was available when u hosted your events :(
  14. Happy Birthday! <3
  15. Well, im saying CHARMING for a reason because no one is handsome xD Kidding! xD
  16. I have seen Twinkleberry ingame before, but i think he is using a girl sprite :3 and i rarely see Nelly ingame. Well lets just say all are charming :) Fixed: Grammar :3
  17. type @go 25 to return to fcity.. useful commands are @go, @warp, @whodrops, @whereis and to see all the available commands type @command
  18. I dreamnt about Me with two swords and a female swordsman fighting each other.. i used different kinds of skills that i dont know of and succesfuly got defeated xD then all of my friends tried to help me and we all joined forces and killed the swordswoman while she is on her horse! then i woke up :D xD
  19. that was so funny james! xD And Yes what luxiana said :)
  20. I think that you dont need to download them since you only downloaded the All-In-One client.. and also i think it already has the updated manulad patch so i dont think you need to download the other files :) Im not sure but when i downloaded the All-in-One before i need not to download anything else :D
  21. Give me also a Welcome Gift! >:) haha kidding! ;)
  22. Go to the Travel Center at Forsaken City, then you will find the Safari Employee/NPC. talk to her and tada your in safari. you need to do an errand first and you need 5etoks :)
  23. I am sorry.. but i dont remember posting this O.o --Real Victoria
  24. It will be a little hard since there is only one GM (two GMs available are rare) and there are so many people there. cheating is not an option in this event, since the GM has only a limited view.
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