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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by p3wp3w

  1. Or maybe we can add this effect on the guardian ring [+Valkyrie Randgris Card] Reduce Dispel Chance to 0.01% and Nullify the +10% Damage Vs. Demi-Humans
  2. Apparently, it's not best to go on full MATK because of GTB and Maya Card. If the situation calls, you're gonna be needing to using cart term to deal decent damage and at the same time, hopefully proc the chance of breaking their armor. and about the buffs thing, GTB solves it all. luckily, WS are semi-tanks having 300k+ HP, so they can bear the damage that the GTB penalizes. All in-all, i'd be very pleased on getting this suggestion be reviewed for further balancing of ws gring. +1 to this
  3. I'd love to see Matk Stalkers to be enabled on using deluge or hidden water. With this, they can just copy the water ball skill, get Soul Link, and live the fullest out of what they've got
  4. Let's see what's the GM say about this because item descriptions are misleading bigtime @Ares @Genesis
  5. apparently, i believe that what you see is what you believe. Go ray and check the item descriptions of these items. Neither any of those argues with each other's effects. And if there are any that doesnt work, i'll be pleased to listen to it from you.
  6. i'd love to use Sacred Wings on the reducs build. Think of this one. If im gonna be making a Clown with this equips: Ghostring Hat : 8% reducs Combat Knife : 10%reducs Friggs : 25% reducs Usako Card : 35% reducs Sacred Wing : 10% reducs Skull Aura : 4% Reducs AND THAT'S A TOTAL OF 92% REDUCS, ALL STACKING ! So Making 'Cursed/Blessed Sacred Wings', and have increased reducs will really make a big OP change. so -1 to this.
  7. we're working now on the other post on how to nerf the SG. but this suggestion might also be a good way to nerf SGs, +1
  8. Yes, cart termi bypasses my defending aura and OL.
  9. Possible, but might not be as easy as sniper coz it's got attention concentrate and falcon eyes buffs.
  10. I love this. +1111111 @Ares @Genesis
  11. I'd love to see ws's cart term and bio's mammo to deal the same damage @ around 60-70k per hit. Cursed bio's a bit OP, and ws's cart term needs a bit love.
  12. +1 on ray's comment. even Bio C build deals 100k+ damage with mammo.
  13. lololol go sleep and get yo ass back here >:D
  14. +1 to this idea of BG, it's bringing back so much memories T_T
  15. :o wao thats cool then, let's see what the GM team says about this +1
  16. Why not post another suggestion thread? let's see if that works.
  17. i suppose that command only detects NPCs that sells a certain item, not player.
  18. im not really fond of halloween headgears, tho may i ask if these are legendary expansions? because if they are, +1 to this post.
  19. Please fix the bugs on new halloween HGs (Having 4 slots, proccing gravity error)

  20. Please fix the bugs on new halloween HGs (Having 4 slots, proccing gravity error)

    1. Ares


      Will do it ASAP. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  21. Deeply appreciated. Thanks for the insights, please close this thread. I also find it now somehow bothersome lol.
  22. OBJECTIVE - we would greatly appreciate on further reviewing the incoming donatable items/ rings in-game before they are released. IDEA - GM team can run a "hiring" for beta testers wherein a number of lucky applicants will get to experience what it feels like on having these items. And at the end of the day, inputs on different perpectives can be made to avoid future disputes. guidelines and rules shall also be made upon the necessity of keeping these items to be discreet as possible. a beta testing corner on forums shall also be made for future discussions but must be only accessible by beta testers. TEAM - The whole development team is greatly appreciated to take a look on this. RESULTS - minimal disputes can be made in the future, and this also helps on establishing the stand of initial release of items beforehand.
  23. R1p noob donors huehuehue
  24. lolololololol. Dex = Main Stat for adding HIT/Decreasing Cast Time, also adds minimal ASPD/Soft MDef/Matk. AGI = Main Stat for Adding ASPD/FLEE and adds minimal on Soft Def. When it comes to Slowgrace skill, it only reduces the BASE AttackSpeed/MovementSpeed of characters and cancels all the buffs/effects of those affecting the two Sub-stats mentioned (AttackSpeed/MovementSpeed).
  25. R1p gs gring. 1like = 1pray
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