OBJECTIVE - I'm looking forward for this server to be defined as a non-pay2win server like anybody else thinks. It would also help the server shape its image on incoming players, as well as help them decide on taking their journey.
IDEA - Re-modify non-donation rings to be the same as the donation ones, but require them to do a quest/series of quest to attain these rings. this may/may not be limited to rings, but also to valk weapons.
Pre-requisites of this/these quests could come from currently existing quests (fknight, attaining rank 1dragonist, gaining non-tradable items (may be character/account bound), getting sufficient activity/event toks), and after all that, gaining a char/account bound item, where they can use as a catalyst that acts as a donate cape(or they can add vote capes) for them to make the class specific rings. Rings should also be char/account bound.
TEAM - I'd deeply appreciate it if the whole GM Team would look into this because this may take a lot of considerations and time, but i hope that if imlemented, it's worth working for.
RESULTS - This will surely clear out the hallucination of some players for the server being pay2win and we dont want players to think that server's milking out $$ dollars from 'em.
Moreover, making these char/acc bound will prevent this quest from affecting the market. and since doing this quest is hard to achieve, it'll help them first to know on what class they would like to take to earn toks from woe/gvg/br to buy more stuffs of their own.
PS: i think it's best to make it just account bound since i don't want to farm with my pally huehuehue