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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Yatogami

  1. No I ended it before it got big :D
  2. Wenlie, I can vouch for carlito. He is honest when it comes to Faceworm drops. Gjallar drops at 50% but even if its 50%, it does not drop immediately. Carlito ran 8 raids with no drop at all. I ran 6 raids no drop as well. So dont expect the drop to be easy as well. Its all about luck. Carlito is not lousy in raids. sure he doesn't move sometimes but he has the most skulls at the end of each run.
  3. Lol haha but yeah I cant confirm if the element will change depending on the arrow equipped. Also on a side note, When you equip an arrow, it will say you equipped a throwing dagger. but when you use the venom knife skill, it says "please equip proper ammunition first" :D Sorry for being off topic a bit, but yeah. Its just to prove my earlier statement that SinX CAN equip arrows. So yeah -1 to add ons like stalker runes and a class special L. Arrow.
  4. But they won't know that lol, most SG users are on ghost property. also in case you didn't know, SG have mild wind which is capable of enchanting all 7 elements
  5. ^ He knows what I mean ahahahaha!!!
  6. This opened a new world to me LOL +1 to you brother!
  7. Oh dear lord I am shaking right now....
  8. That or encourage people to become PvP soul linker users XD I be promoting one of my fave classes ahuehuehue but yeah +1 to this. They already took what I was gonna say:
  9. You lost me... an arrow is an arrow. even sinx can use an arrow. Its like you're telling us that sinx should also get their own L. Arrows, Gypsy and Clown should get their own L.Arrow as well. Whats the difference? It all falls under ammo.
  10. Wait wait wait wait... WHY?! 1. Why make another arrow set for just stalkers? 2. We already have pouring cards and Dex Runes Its not easy to just implement the ideas you want. You're just gonna give more work to Genesis and Ares in coding. It would be easier if they would just change the dex value in the code instead of making a whole new code for new items. You also need to consider the work load of the GMs who does the updates for us. ye ye :D
  11. Hmm just putting this out there. I totally agree with boosting the DS/Dex bonus for stalker, but it being a versatile class by means of copying skills that can "assist" in battle. Like Flip tatami, Acid Bomb, Martyr's Reckoning, FAS, or even charge attack. DS should be the main killing skill of a dex stalker and it should be a means to be able to kill. As for magic stalkers, its only good as a support killer in team fights. you force your opponents to go GTB so physical attacks hurt more. But thats it. Other than grand cross (which is good sometimes), It can copy a really good selection of magic skills. but as @SweetTooth said here, once they're on GTB, and FCP, or get dispelled, you cant do anything but die. It only has its perks in team fights.
  12. Can I join too? Ahu3ah3uah3uah3uh3hu3
  13. He's probably on 3rd job sprites
  14. Exactly!, Stalkers are versatile and a "Jack of all Trades" kind of class. BUT! We are suggesting for an increase of damage for Dex Stat or DS whichever gets approved. Thats what this whole topic is about. Finally you say something that makes sense.
  15. Wouldn't it be better if they fixed it instead of getting it as a chance?
  16. Its enable the use though and not chance to get rogue spirit
  17. Yeah regarding the link, It follows the same mechanics as a linker. Linkers cannot link themselves but can link other linkers. That also applies to other classes as well I guess. unless they can bypass that then its good
  18. If this were a low/mid rate server then sure, it might work. But remember what we told you, This is a high rate server and most of Low/Mid rate ideas dont really apply here. Any other reasons than the one you just said? I think what you just said isn't valid here. Try checking the bless, curse and guardian rings and their weapons before you reply to this. Also if you actually PvP which I doubt you do, then you wouldn't be saying the things that you have just said. If you dont have anything to prove regarding the class then please dont reply on the thread anymore because you are only confusing the readers. Stay off the suggestions thread unless you know what you're talking about because you are only gonna get more talks like this from me. Regarding the curse ring, I think it only debuffs the opponent and not the self if i can recall. @Maiimaii can you confirm this please? Then theres the cold bolt issue which confused me xD Where is the cold bolt given again? the ring or the brutal HG?
  19. No, I want to hear the reason and not just simple answers. thats why we have the forums, to discuss the things we hate/love about the class.
  20. Oh wow its a timmy!!
  21. False!! Im too lazy LOL TPBM Loves country music
  22. Okay, Please prove to me or us rather why you disagree with the increase of damage bonus for stalkers. Other than the fact that the stalker's trickiness will get ruined, because to some players, that is NOT A VALID ARGUMENT OR REASON. Please elaborate on your statement. Thank you
  23. Though I still think BG tokens should be account bound, it could make things harder for the market. Trust me on this when I say that it will be hoarded
  24. If it actually does happen, we can expect more from the server. I think we should also add here what are the possible rewards we can get from winning BG and Losing BG. My suggestion would be: -Make the items exchanged by BG tokens account bound as to not destroy the market. -Make BG tokens account bound when won. -or like what was mentioned. Fame points! xD
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