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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Yatogami

  1. Im just wild guessing here but I think what cookiee is trying to say is: He wants to inter-switch between 2 lokis blade on the main hand without affecting/removing the off hand
  2. Ugh Mondays D: Morning Classes

    1. Euphoria


      Bring a banana for recess / lunch :D

    2. Ares


      Euphoria, why the banana of all foods you can think of? ;)

    3. Euphoria
  3. +1 not sure about WS but the bio ranking sounds good. but I think to make it fair though, it should be reset again like its brand new. this would encourage biochemists to rank.
  4. SOLD
  5. Ohh, I was hoping for tokens sir.
  6. Thanks Ares, I try to stay active as much as I can as long as time allows me.
  7. Gunslinger Gudie Updated for Guardian. atm its a prototype build, I plan to change it later on.

  8. LF>Ares :D Pls check skype

    1. Danger


      Don't want to chat with me? remember Danger is Everywhere

      (Skype included) :D

    2. Yatogami


      @Danger But... but, danger is everywhere 0.0

  9. Oh you're right, I hope they get the same effect, since they cost the same in the token shop
  10. Back in my day We had a thing called Agi Knights
  11. +/- 1 on this im 50-50 on this. it has its good points and it has its bad points. but like ares said, they might find ways to abuse this system. BUT!! it gives advantage to those who cant afford LTD Boxes. If you put like a limiter for example, it cant stack with an LTD Expansion HG/Imp, then it might be viable. just putting my view on this out there
  12. I agree with numbers 2 and 4. 1. Its meant to be like a glass cannon 3. I find it lacking if you ask me. if they could increase it about 30% more on the weapon(not the ring or else we wont hear the end of it again), it should make up for its softness. its powerful but can be easily killed. as for the reason why it should be increased a bit is so that people will be forced to use the rifle instead of using valis. as for the weapon overall, its good enough :D High damage but Low Survivability in team AND solo fights
  13. GS guide slightly updated XD

    1. Ares


      updates are up

    2. Conner


      Casting wise it's still lacking for what it's made of with the 2 hand and damage wise it still is lacking abit more buff because people would still choose fb over tracking due to the -25% hp and slow cast time.

    3. Ares


      I can't go beyond what you are expecting.

  14. as the title says, just leave a post here if you're interested :D
  15. Internet is slow again today D:

  16. Welcome back! :D
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