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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Yatogami

  1. One of the best solutions I think is that no one should buy thanatos at all. Sellers will be forced to lower the price.
  2. I seriously agree on the variety part since GS , in my point of view, doesn't give you much of a choice in terms of combat ability. Desperado or Rapid Shower? The only choices u have xD
  3. GS is still kinda OP if you ask me xD in terms of effectiveness with magic strings, you'd still be very OP
  4. play the song "My shiny teeth and me" :th_heh:
  5. Im not a breaker but the replies made me laugh xDD BUMP
  6. Okay I made an int based build on my SL that is similar to a wizard. Even with 2TGKs and 120 vit, it only gives around 155k HP which isn't enough to withstand a full geared asura, even with double devs, If possible on the next update, increase the % of HP on the donate items like the highness staff or the curse ring or add atributes to Tao Gunka specifically for SL. I really want to give this class some boost cause I use this class all the time. As for reflect build, I have no problems with that but what if you wanna join GvG or BR? Kaizel is disabled so you'd want to fight using an int type SL instead.
  7. Welcome back!!! Nice to meet you :D
  8. SOLD
  9. PM me YatoSL
  10. Raiding is <3

    1. Aerofox


      ForsakenRO raids: the only dungeon raids that have horses shout ASURA

    2. sarahpanda


      nu <3 without Sarah Alaia to support u >:3

  11. Yatogami


    HI! [2.5] PM ME Thunder*
  12. All I need is a little loving tonight :D

  13. Greetings ForsakenRO community! I am kinda new to this forums thing and I'd like to try to be active as I can on the forums. I've been playing this server since October 2014 sooo I guess I'm kinda old? I hope its not too late to introduce myself to you guys! My in-game names are "K A H B E D", "Ordinary Steel Wall" Both paladins, and "YatoSL" my beloved Soul Linker I'm mostly on my Pally and Soul Linker AFK-ing from time to time :th_ok: I love to go on raids and make new friends :th_no1: so if you see me in Fcity, say hi :th_gawi: Shout out to b0ss Aerofox ey b0ss and to my guildmembers in BahtHole! you guys are awesome!
  14. Granted,AP Fizz is now Nerfed but Rito made Teemo unkillable I wish for a box of Pepperoni Pizza
  15. IGN: YatoSL PM ME ingame
  16. Granted, but you cant even login your champ anymore due to gravity error I wish for eternal life
  17. +1 on this xD Other servers have @refresh as well, why not this server as well?
  18. If gears can be affected, Then I suggest if you can increase the HP% for Legendary and Valk weapon or the Ring/Cape. As for cards, I think its okay as it is.
  19. @Rayray Regarding the Hwiz card, I did tests so I proved the Hwiz is needed :th_no1: Theres a Huge difference in terms of damage, so why not go all out with Matk xDD
  20. total 99 vit for stun immunity?
  21. @Rayray your build is for what? PvE/MVP?? sorry for asking :D
  22. Okay Wait lemme edit :D Thanks I did mention its for MvP right?? I haven't posted for PVP yet lmao
  23. Soul Linker Guide up!

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