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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Yatogami

  1. Hmmm... Why re position everything? the healer and kafra are fine and close enough
  2. +1 to this, SG breakers plox!!!
  3. have you tried patching?
  4. Ahem, SL is good for PvE :D
  5. +1 Yeah I noticed this too and front looks too normal xD show the hilt!
  6. Im sure he did xDD
  7. +1 But yeah Kaza already has a thread on this so I believe that we should just revive his thread and close this :D Cheers and Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
  8. I'll agree to getting a unique delay for Rapid Shower if that helps. To make GS Curse have another option other than Desperado. It will always be capped at 80% even if its 2 kiels(60%)+DragonistGS(20%)+Eisa's Ember(10%) It will not go past 80%. If it does, then we can always make another post to reduce that. Remember, not everyone can get PVP tokens cause of the hoarding thats happening now. Eisa's will need that 10% for those who can't afford/obtain a Dragonist armor. Its like the armor became a kiel card if you ask me which gives us the freedom to slot one more card in the headgear. I don't see whats cancerous there. Ship captain hat doesn't add HP. Also the 40% HP on the Eisa's is needed as well since GS has a low HP pool. If you claim that you can have a High HP pool, then that depends on the individual's stat build. Im not gonna ask how they achieved that but its fair to those who are new to the class. so yeah Im gonna have to disagree FOR NOW since this has not been tested yet with dragonist armor. GS is currently fine the way it is
  9. You told me to reply to this so I am. I'll have to disagree with you on this because LK is already a good class. I dont see the reason why we should boost an already stable class in-game. so yeah -1
  10. +1 to being able to switch between the effects of the 2 rings via NPC because even if its just aesthetics, it would be such a waste to spend to make a ring then only get 1 out of 2 effects out of it
  11. Manila Bound!! See you in a while!!

    1. Euphoria


      Bring me some bananas from there :D

  12. I was actually thinking of suggesting to improve the stave crasher damage as an alternative for HP in case they get dispelled. but yeah +1 to this. Consider my idea too pls XD
  13. Yeah Im not rushing this, Im just putting this here so GM's can see and have an Idea. So far im getting good feedback from players regarding this :D
  14. I keep in mind the balance of the game. Lets just leave it at that for now.
  15. What about it? Grenade launcher can use spread attack but I doubt its gonna be strong since there is no custom damage modifer. What makes the gattling gun special in my idea is that it has EDP as a damage modifier because normal attacks cannot reach 5 digits unless there is a damage modifier in effect. The reason why I suggested baphomet card effect for this was because if I suggested to proc spread attack while dealing normal damage, it might be OP due to EDP effect. So baphomet card effect would be the safest here.
  16. Not really large, maybe half the effect of baphomet card which is 9x9, so around 4x4 or 5x5 depends
  17. The reason it broke the armor is because of destroyer effect xD It can't really break armor if it becomes a valk weapon.
  18. I agree here xD Just keep it in mind that throw kunai is the normal choice. *coughs* Throw huuma shuriken *coughs* yeah :D
  19. I honestly think it needs to be updated in terms of damage. I mean WS bless set is very cheap now, and WS Curse is VERY rare xD. sooo yeah +1 to this
  20. He disappeared. LMAO. jk He's busy with work so he's inactive
  21. 1. It should stay as is because we do not want to ruin the balance of the weapon. I agree with you on it being the highest max damage dealing weapon... on a low rate server. That is why It should not be boosted any further 2. Rebellion has that skill in iRO in which its a passive as long as you have coins as catalysts activated, but I thought it would be considered OP. (Trust me I thought of it waaaaay before you) Then again, Triple attack would sound good, but dishing out a normal attack that does an AoE splash damage would be viable since its a gattling gun and its meant to be a wide spread attack. I should give credit to you because of your thread about bapho card on shotgun. Thanks!
  22. LK Slayer Scarf(2k) Bjorn's Blade(1k) Message me here so we can deal in-game
  23. Won't be on for this week >.< Exams Week!!! Just a bit more til Xmas Break!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Specter


      r1p kyl3 must be exiled. How dare you?!?! Having a life?!!?!?!!? Unnaceptable.

    3. Specter


      Unacceptable* ;-;

    4. Yatogami



  24. I thought of that as well but ranged normal attacks need some kind of damage modifier or amplifier. thats why I thought of EDP instead since it boosts damage in a way.
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