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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Yatogami

  1. Granted but you can only make them at a microscopic level I wish I had gravity manipulation
  2. white potions are sold by the NPC in the mall area but you have to make your own condensed white potion
  3. But the beach tho D:
  4. The map itself is still buggy and it will be fixed soon I hope
  5. The current spawn point is fine as it is cause its just a straight walk down to the beach area xD
  6. How to go about exams? D:

  7. LOL OP
  8. Is it safe to return all the delays to what it was before?
  9. Well GJ Gepard Shield :D but I miss my 3rd job sprites :(

    1. Danger


      GM Genesis is working with Functor (Gepard shield developer) to have a way to implement 3rd job sprites.

    2. illaidan1


      and game crashes more this days.. crashes while warping back to cities


  10. WAAAAW!! +1
  11. Im guessing all the dirt is coming out. GJ Gepard shield.
  12. LMAO Strello OP
  13. You need to download the all-in-one again from the website. http://download.forsakenserver.net/All_In_One_Manual_v6.4.zip
  14. I have to redownload the All-in-one again q.q

  15. I'll let the pro sinx users handle this xD Im not really knowledgeable abiut thhe differences between a sword and an axe in terms of attack. My opinion on this would be: why would you make another crit weapon for sinx when it does fine with the oriental crit/Legendary crit?
  16. Can't Crit sword or Oriental Crit do the same?
  17. What makes axe special for a sinx?
  18. yeah time to go back to cursed ahuehuehue.
  19. HP C set!!!!! Ahahahaha!!!
  20. Ahahahahahaha!!! r1ppp Checks fild when update comes out
  21. +99999999999999999 who is brave enough to -1 this ahahahahahaha!!
  22. Not too long ago to eh? ahaha good "old" days
  23. I started with crit breaking before I switched to thana breaking. I somewhat enjoyed breaking with crit cause it had more HP and whenever I get a break, I'd feel good because of the stereotyping between thana breakers and crit breakers. Also based on experience, I could share my opinion. Its all about timing of switching to full and when to zerk
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