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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Yatogami

  1. Hello, developer here. Implementing something from a renewal server into a pre-renewal server is not a "command" per se. It alters most of the core codes of the game which the admin would not want to touch to avoid any major bugs in the server. As much as I want to agree with you on this suggestion, it is not possible. What I can agree to is implementing a bank in the kafra located in fcity and market area.
  2. The rainbow ice emp is unreleased at the moment. The reason why it exists on the server is because Bass did the recolors for the ice emperium and he was rewarded with the rainbow ice emperium which he also did the recolor for it. Lets just say its the fruit of his labor people. I hope this clarifies things for you all.
  3. The reason for this is to avoid bugs and bug abuse. I think its better to be "hands-on" when it comes to these things.
  4. After reading and reviewing everything here again, it seems majority of the community is against this.
  5. No i am not the one who decides, if the suggestion has a positive feedback then we will "consider" adding it. Take note, i have no power in influencing the other developers. I am also voicing out my opinion as a fellow player. If a suggestion has a lot of positve feedback then my job is to bring it up to the admins for the final judgement. I will leave it to the community to decide if i should bring it up or not. The final judgement is still given by genesis
  6. +1 if it will reduce by a percentage every month
  7. If I were to give my personal thoughts though, this suggestion would be the lazy way by changing the system as a whole. Instead of relying on "pure skills" like switching armors and stuffs, why not ask the game to allow this suggestion. Im sorry but this is how I view this suggestion as a whole. This would be a good suggestion in other servers especially low rate servers but we are a mid rate server and im seeing more people opposed to this idea rather than supporting this.
  8. I'll wait for more opinions on this, but it seems as though this is going in a negative direction.
  9. Active taekwon mains would disagree to this. Though this is a good idea, we need to consider those rankers who spent "years" yes years to maintain their top 10 position. As for those inactive on the taekwon ranks, they will naturally be pushed down by new rankers.
  10. samnj icf sa bn,lre EHH? I have fat elbows JFC
  11. Brownies iOS or Android?
  13. This gives alot of meaning especially if you know the story behind the drawing. Great work fykka!! I hope to see more of your work in the future!!
  14. And here's part 2 featuring GM Ebisu and Penthesiliea
  15. If you guys need materials for Friggs, Check this guy out!!


  16. @Genesis @Ebisu It crashes mine as well.
  17. Join our Discord server guys!!


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