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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Nas

  1. Back in my day Lk bb's type doesnt need any single of kiel to spam bb's
  2. Nas

    Count To Infinity

  3. +1 ya cooookieeee, indeed. I think make lokis cursed blade for main hand too will make some of player available to change some combo on their wep.(inca/thana). Diffrent people,diff style.
  4. Yea, i wear it,even now o.O The person below me used to have SL in real life Sl:secret lover
  5. Civil war ! ! Omo

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kyoshiro029


      Irony Man and Captain Murica

    3. Nas


      Yass. Throw ur shield

    4. niemono89


      shemale hulk XD

  6. Civil war ! ! Omo

  7. File a tix, gm's will help you out.
  8. Lol you have to log in the account in the web, and reset position. If you dont know, just go here https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/
  9. +1 yea i kindda lag when bot checker, and endup with dead. So thia should be nice
  10. Nas


    That dramala lel. .
  11. Nah i like green tea. . So much! Tpbm - have a tragic moment when he/she's kid
  12. Haroo. . Welcome
  13. I'm sorry, i love you .

  14. Aku jual smua barang ak pun xdapek da bnd tu
  15. Perghhh dil jual? Berapa ?
  16. Neko hair! ! Snap back! ! Lmao +1000
  17. Ya or make it more like plain white
  18. Nas

    [Solved] Sign Quest

    Wow. But why?
  19. Nah. If im still here huehue
  20. Suddenly i came to save you from the darkness
  21. Wb huehuehue
  22. O. . The walking alien. Btw i supposed to be the cutest lmao
  23. Back in my days. Go13 was a newbie/semi geared people to sparing and pvp. But now,it just a ghost town.
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