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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by qperteplex

  1. Trolled LOL @Ares I deleted my status. I thought I could ask a non-RO related question. Advertising it was not my intention xD
  2. Sorry for my ignorance but is this before or after 2.0? And WOE times are incremented by 1hr. right? Like American WOE currently is 20:00, it will be 21:00 during DST
  3. Yes, you can hunt it as many times as you want. Last time I checked, the drop rate is 50%. So you are just probably unlucky
  4. More variety with Valkyrie Expansions is nice +1 In addition to this, can the GMs add a marking to differentiate a Valkyrie Expansion from a Legendary one. Like what they did with the LHZ aura. Just to avoid scamming of the 2 counterparts.
  5. Just wondering, anybody else here thinks the Skull Prince Aura is a waste? Meaning that it could've had a different buff or stat boost.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maiimaii
    3. Yatogami


      Make a thread for suggestions on auras xD

    4. Rayray


      I do believe that we will have people donating on an aura more if it has something else to offer, not just stats.

  6. How much VIP status can I get for 100pesos? HUEHUEHUEHUE
  7. Been here for almost 4 years myself and I NEVER donated here. If this was indeed a pay2win server, they shouldve put like a divine rapier in the tokenshop so donators can just one shot us non donators. Donation is an easier way to get geared for others without alot of time to play.
  8. +1 nobody uses tracking anymore. I'd like to see em back but not like they initially were xD
  9. +1 I find em OP too . SGs and TKs are the class that I wouldn't want to come across right now(Its a given you wouldn't like to come across a 2x Champ or Ninja). They are somewhat similar to GS tracking but the kills per second is slower coz they need like 3-5 seconds to drop a class. Lower the buff on their rings with regards to damage. Just not alot to kill solo SGs or TKs And you didn't think of bringing it when we caught that LK autopotting AFK?!?! LOL
  10. Sooo...what are we to do about em SGs? Too lazy to make a thread. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yatogami


      look for the topic NERFING 

    3. qperteplex


      That thread is too general and I havent read it all but i did notice some shit talk LOL

    4. Specter


      Theres a new one in suggestions, check it out, i hope someone takes the work to actually write about that, im too lazy now, sleep time hueheuhe

  11. ^I just quoted them coz they mentioned us. LOL Gonna have to -1 this due to the reason stated by Cookie. Believe it or not, I was gonna post something like this a few weeks back but I did realize some factors as to why I changed my mind. Yes, It would be nice if multiple guilds were on WOE rather than 3 juggernaut guilds and a couple of mini ones(RTF, Untouchables and Untitled). Heck you couldn't even count us in as we only have 3 members(2 pallies and 1 sinx) on during the recent sunday WOE compared to RTF and Untouchables. But do keep in mind that this wont last long. OSFA had their time, Veneration had their time, Back to Basics had their time, Divide Et Impera had their time, Demolition Crew had their time and recently Public Enemy had their time. I can keep going on and on about the dominance of a big guild throughout my 4 years(almost) on this server but it would make this post even longer. TLDR; I like the current WOE Emp HP as it is big enough for a small guild to defend with the proper planning on offense and defense. Big guilds reigns come and go. -1
  12. I didn't complain about PVP room back then coz I don't ladder nor do I have interest right now with making a D.Armor as I would prefer to buy one or to have a Bijou card instead. I'm just a concerned fRO citizen that is why I gave my opinion.
  13. +1 to Rayray's suggestion. Create a 2nd PVP room Having a 2nd PVP room would help by dividing the dominating party. Even if they are still on the same side, they may still possibly hit each other and MAY kill each other in the process. Being in a party is still feeding as far as I see it. Its feeding in a support perspective. You like basically gave a Divine and/or a BKB to your teammate. Opinion of a former PVPer and mostly PVPs on his own in for_fild01 when he was more active back then as he was jobless but now has a job and has no time to play but cant play as often not just because of his job but his PC finally died and will be buying a new one around December as it would be cheaper then. lol
  14. ^True. 2 of my friends(-=Nero=- and Youichii) who also played breaker sinx are efficient killers as well back when they still used their crit builds. You wouldn't believe the PMs they received. Take note that their builds are semi PVP as they are still breakers. They switched to thana as they were able to get 1 and took a spare 1 I had(f*ck those two beggars) as they need to break more. I do believe that they might need a bit of boosting. I just don'know on which aspect to do so. So if you can suggest something rather than just rant, that would be nice.
  15. 1. Go to Control Panel http://www.forsaken-ro.net/cp and Login 2. Select your character's name whose position is to be reset 3. Once you are on the page of that character, there should be a small reset position button at the top 4. Once position reset is confirmed, Login that char and probably save to a safer location
  16. -1 Don't want to elaborate further but the issue with sinx was with the spam AFAIK. I feel alot are not devoted to it coz of how the class is played(Just basically too many buttons to press). 1-2 kills is indeed absurd for an SB sinx getting hit with 3-4 back then was painful enough and there were 5 or more hits that are even more deadly but is sketch on how they were able to do that. Don't forget that stun lock on SB, Champ can't do that shit.
  17. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/index.html
  18. Most of them came from the Casino game but the game was removed as it was abused alot. The rest are from what Danger said but the quests are only released during those seasons.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. qperteplex
    3. Yatogami


      you can mess with a drunk guy but you can never mess with someone who you just woke up

    4. Rayray


      would have setup my other pc to just spam stuff on his skype if he woke me up at 4am

  19. -1 to 1v1 as it will only be favorable to a certain class. We already have a group PVP event, LTS, but is rarely held. These are not automated events if I recall correctly.
  20. Nobody here misses you
  22. Bare hands -transgression
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