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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. Change Azure Emp(make it darker) so it actually matches the dark blue expansion hats such as Blue Noble, it shouldn't be almost identical to sky blue emp
  2. bumperino
  3. bump
  4. bumperino
  5. Billboard, at least I could move to another state and it wouldn't affect me. No nails or no toe nails
  6. bump
  7. bumperino
  8. bump
  9. bumperino
  10. bump
  11. bumperino
  12. No one exchanges imps for imp tokens anyway so I don't see your point here. The only imp people used to exchange was Gold because it's ugly and easiest to get anyway, other than that no one(with a brain) has used a green/purple/orange imp to get an imp token in a long time. The point of this topic is so people can keep the fhelm/imp look without having to sacrifice stats. *Edit: Didn't realize he was asking for more stats than an actual LTD, should be the same stats as a LTD.
  13. Or trade 10 GvG Tokens + Tokens = Red Emp / Black Emp Offer me ingame or PM on forums.
  14. +1 to this, Imps already cost more way more than LTDs and no one(with a brain) has used an actual Imperial Helm to make a LTD, so I don't see a downside to this. inb4 "the rich get richer the poor get poorer" , rather this then donate to win(LTD box)
  15. So disappointing to see double heavens and double dispel everytime I WoE, and then see those same people next WoE doing the same thing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. adam-


      @mzville He is referring to the obvious BN users in WoE, there is nothing attractive about that.

    3. ThePerfectHit


      And to those who say BN doesn't work on champ, it does. It basically just makes you use your skills twice so you can tell if a champ is using BN if he double snaps in place or continually spams zen after a target has left his/her range and the obvious DCing constantly.

    4. mzvlle


      Ohh! I see. Yeah I don't like that at all. IMO the people who uses BN are this server's biggest scrubs lol. If you can't kill a breaker or at least hinder a breakers without cheating, you shouldn't even be in the castle. You're just wasting cellspace

  16. Got 420 post, never posting again.

  17. I want clown changed just as much as he does, if not more.
  18. Wasn't calling him pinoy, reread the sentence and I don't have a problem if you're older and still play but he called himself a casual player but yet still feels the need to buy performance enhancing equipment? I just thought that was funny.
  19. Could care less what your lying pinoy friends say, It happened. And the rest of your shit talking is complete nonsense and half of it didn't even make sense or just a bad joke. To reply to this dumbass, I did not post the video or even record it so maybe you should open your damn eyes before you quote me and try to attack me. And you just admitted to use macro which is no longer allowed so I don't see a reason why the GM's shouldn't ban you right now. While you're a casual player but still feel the need to spent a decent amount of money on gaming equipment, I mean if you need the extra help by all means, but just don't claim to be any good if you're using performance enhancers.Sorry I don't spend my money on items that will help me be "better" at a video game, rather spend them on cloths and sneakers, but that's just me. And yes I play video games in my spare time as I am a kid, isn't that what we do? I'm guessing you're atleast 25+ still playing a private RO server honestly just feel bad for you if you have found nothing to do with your life still.
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