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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. Don't forget Homolust too.
  2. So in short, we're being punished because we're too good? OK, I guess.
  3. That's actually a great idea, hate seeing these guys that literally only WoE with PvP Emps(GvG/BR) and have never actually even been to the event or won it themselves.
  4. My suggestion was not to force people to come to GvG, but give them more of an incentive. And it wouldn't be handing out a free prize, because if they know someone is going to get it anyway they are more likely to join unlike the system they have now if no one joins no prize.
  5. I don't see how they can say work as an excuse when the same players that say that are on for American WoE which is the exact same time.
  6. You're checking 2hours after the event, most people get off after the event. I know I do.
  7. There's a lot more people on for American WoE then there is asian and euro so it doesn't make sense to change the time. People are purposely not showing up don't know how I could prove this to you since you're not on during the events. If you were you would see all the guilds just sitting in their base talking and not attending.
  8. So tell me why more than 10 of all guilds are just sitting in their base talking instead of participating like they usually do? That doesn't add up to me, and I already made a suggestion, the x2 reward benefits whoever wants to win more so I don't see how you think that doesn't benefit the event as a whole.
  9. They don't participate because we've been winning every event for over a month now straight. So it isn't far fetched and if you we're on during the events you would know this. There is no underlying issue, since the time change participation for all events has been the same for the most part.
  10. That's because people like you who are on don't bother to actually go in and try.
  11. So you think it's OK for guilds to be on and just simply not show up to the event because they don't want us to have the prize?Plus the x2 prize will give them an incentive to get on, they're always on during WoE makes no sense how they don't come to GvG, only explanation is so we don't get the prize, so changing the time would have no effect. And we haven't been getting handouts we're always on for the event and have won it for about a month and a half straight now, so saying we're not working hard is not true, but the fact that guilds can just decide to not show up so we don't get a prize is a fault in the system to me which is why I made this suggestion.
  12. Seeing as how a few people can deny an entire event my suggestion for GvG is if there is not enough competition THAT GvG and if it is canceled, the next GvG will have x2 reward and WILL BE HELD REGARDLESS OF THE AMOUNT OF ATTENDEE'S. This way it prevents people from dodging the event to deny other guilds from the GvG Token.
  13. Well when you turn on Dragon Knight mode or whatever it is called you get a red lightning aura around your character, maybe the color of the lightning could dictate your rank instead of complicating things and just add bonus stats to that specific character.
  14. I like this, but I also don't like the idea of replacing my emperium.
  15. Personally I don't care for the storyline side as much as other people are I'm sure. All I care about is will it be worth the time to actually grind the ranks and what not for the bonus stat points. Right now it requires rank 8 for +5 all stats on fset but seeing as how most fully geared people don't use fshield or fhelm so we lose 2 all stats and for the points required I don't think 3 all stats is nearly enough the time it will take to achieve rank 8, since the raids only give around 50~150 points. And yeah I like what Ray said about the aesthetic that shows you're a dragon knight, but don't care for the hidden quest part of his suggestion too much.
  16. Donation rucksacks are tradable actually, but +1 for suggestion.
  17. Welcome.
  18. Wrong section, this isn't off topic since its RO related.
  19. Elemental sword does exist but pretty sure it was nerf'd and the donation weapon for Bios allows lvl5 ice bolt and fire bolt.
  20. Trans only 100% normal I think, Mini Boss no idea, MVP 5% About 2~3 Big Guilds(ie 20~25players+) 3~4 Medium Sized Guildes and A few solo/small guilds Half effect of regular MVP cards, used as starter cards No costumes.
  21. These were the days....I had like 4 purple emps back then lmao. Skull Aura - 12k Now - 3k
  22. You could use BOS like he said, but I would suggest 3D Glasses with MayaP in them and just switch when you need it. Better then spending 1k BOS a day and you get to keep the 40% CT from AOG.
  23. Welcome, hopefully no abuse incoming.
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