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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. Welcome.
  2. They won't go that far, doesn't make much sense for imp to be better than LTD, since it cost an imp token to make a LTD in the first place. But yeah, I agree it should be +5 all stats just like LTDs.
  3. -1 to the quest part, but +1 to the part about making Imps +5all stats just like LTD helms.
  4. It won't get implemented, it's not a good idea. There's far better ideas that don't get implement just let the topic die. The only people that agreed to this are apart of your guild so that should be a good indicator it's not good since their opinions are most likely biased.
  5. Welcome.
  6. ThePerfectHit


    Good luck you two.
  7. .@warp formap76 or use the Kafra warper
  8. Yes, it would drive the price of imperial helms up, but everyone who already owns one would just save it or trade it in if they have 5 so it defeats the entire purpose anyway. Any guild to get an imperial drop from then on would not sell them but instead keep them which doesn't help. Even if a person has 1 imperial helm and this gets implement, wouldn't you keep it and just try and buy/collect 4 more? Makes much more sense than selling it, and this will be going through everyone's mind. So I'm disagreeing because even though the price will go up, no on will sell them anyway and they will just be traded for emperiums. So in the end the people who collected imperial helms or bought the cheap ones for 3~5k still win.
  9. I actually don't own any WoE emperium/imperial besides blue emperium and imperial, so it doesn't even affect me. I'll stick with my BR and GvG emperium over these WoE emperiums anyday, I just don't like the idea because you can get a rare WoE emperium by just trading in 5 low value imperial helms, just doesn't make sense to me.
  10. Either way, my point is still valid, you can just get 5 low valued imperial helms. Doesn't matter still a bad suggestion.
  11. It will devalue the emperiums because they will become more common actually. And not every imperial helms is 10k, colors such as gray/violet imperials are lower than that since they're less in demand, and according to your suggestion you could make a red emperium by using 5 violet imperal helms which are currently selling at around 3k~4k a piece for an item that could sell for over 30~40k. So think about everything when making a topic and not just the imperial helms you own.
  12. No because everyone would just buy other IMPS and trade them in for pink/red/amber emperiums which devalues those emperiums in the process. There was a suggestion before about making IMPS +5 all stats just like LTD's, you should of agreed with that suggestion while it was up instead of complaining about it now.
  13. -1, No way. Rainbow Emp should never be released to the public and having a second way to get rare emperiums is also a bad idea, since it will make them more common and devalue them.
  14. Press f10, or f11.
  15. Low=Legendary Balloons/Legendary Zodiacs/Fknight Set/Legendary Myth/Rucksacks Mid=LHZ/Balloons/Fhelms/Zodiacs/Myth Aura/Legendary Weapons/Fshield/Sacreds High=Emperiums/Limited Helms/Imperial Helms/Fset/Friggs/Slotted Accessories(Freys,Lokis,etc)/ValkyrieWeapons/ClassRings(ex. Champ bless/cursed ring) Probably a lot more I'm missing, but can't think of anything else right now.
  16. Every level of refine is safe.
  17. I don't know how they go on about this, but I'm sure long as you did place 1st(with a 2:1 kill to death ratio) they will give you your prize most likely.
  18. All about Motto, never heard of any other guild.
  19. If you were still here we'd have all the GvG emps and a BR emp by now q_q we miss you guys just isn't the same without you (no homo, pun intended)
  20. GvG Emps are around 25k(more or less, but most likely more), but since white is more common I'm guessing its a little less.
  21. Pretty sure you posted this in the wrong section. And no, I don't remember them.
  22. Who are you?This is your 3rd goodbye and I still don't even know who I'm saying bye to.
  23. Forsaken Token. It's a donation item but you can obtain it by donating, selling items to other people who already have it or trade zeny to the tokens again from other people who already have it.
  24. That's what they did back in the day, they stopped that awhile ago, probably around 2012 or so.
  25. Welcome.
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