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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. Honestly hoped these changes would go through, especially the tarot ones, it's honestly ridiculous how something can be abused so hard. Wish the higher GM's would actually play their own server so they can see what needs to be changed and so they can see how things are so easily abused.
  2. Hi, join a guid, or make one, and gvg please. kthx
  3. As long as these wings aren't ridiculous looking and obtained through a pvp oriented way, since so many customs are already obtained through WoE, I'm all for it.
  4. ill buy the WS ring + weapon for 3.5
  5. I laff'd
  6. You guys should participate in GvG, give us a run for our money.
  7. Good to see new Americans joining the server, hopefully will become predominately american one day. Or at least people who speak english.
  8. shit
  9. That name tho
  10. Atleast GvG is more of a game of skill over numbers.That's their fault if they decide not to participate
  11. And WoE? 3 guilds had a solid alliance for weeks getting the same castles over and over monopolizing it but you decide to change GvG?
  12. Tarot dispel goes through GTB if you didn't know.
  13. Welcome sir.
  14. Use the search button.
  15. Real Clown/Gypsy Guide! Step 1 : Spam Tarot Step 2 : Win game
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