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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. First of all, do you know this guy in real life? And can you beat him up if he doesn't pay you back are questions I would be asking myself. If you know him and he will pay you back then I don't see any harm in doing this if he's a friend, but read the rules if you don't know if this is allowed or not.
  2. FVGolrtfujm!~Q = Forum~
  3. We're not viewing and posting on this topic to support you, it's to help newbies on the server.
  4. Bump
  5. starfishman = sxtfgaZrffvkiszmazn Kinda got it lol.
  6. Leave LOD the way it is. Like ^ said, use edge if you want to coma.
  7. Like 1.5k , someone was selling 1.4k few days ago.
  8. Should do another event like this.
  9. I lost brain cells after reading this. Didn't even understand half of that peenoise. Everytime there's a guild war in for fild between Homolust and any other guild we always wipe them out until they stop coming back, same with your guild time and time again. Don't understand why you sit on forums and lie. And 5mpbs isn't good net just talking more bullshit like the rest of your post. You guys dont participate in any event that GM's can watch such as GvG and BR because you cheat, that's all your "good" at.
  10. S/T>Pally Cursed to Sniper Cursed or?
  11. It's called being banned. Obviously broke some sort of rule. Go read the rules, figure out what you did and if you were given the appropriate sentence and if you find you did nothing wrong, plea your case in the ticket system.
  12. I don't want 85% because 80% is good enough. People stop playing a class once it becomes a class that actually takes strategy or half a brain to use, try using your half first then post a topic.
  13. There's a guide, write it down exactly how it says. If there was a problem with this quest it would of been addressed along time ago.
  14. Crit 1- Ohki Thana 1- Fatal. 2- Fatal. 3- Fatal. 4- Fatal. 5- Fatal.
  15. Tokens...
  16. What? I've never died to you. You don't even PvP, you don't come for fild, you don't come to the PvP room. I know you BN because I've only seen you in WoE, you only WoE and no one records in WoE because it will make them lag. So this nonsense about how I always lose, please stop the lies. You don't PvP because you know people will record your BN spam and you're afraid.
  17. Doesn't matter, even using WTFast I'm guessing your ping is still over 100 and it doesn't matter how much your ping is reduced, you shouldn't be able to spam a skill faster than the server intended like jubz.
  18. Nope, no gaming gear and after DDoS protection rerouting I have an average of 90~100ms now(was 50 ms average before).
  19. Pretty sure he lives in PH, and gaming gear and ping reducers shouldn't make your spam be faster than the server intended. Only programs like BN allow that.
  20. I don't take games personally or seriously, it's a game. All I ask is that they play fair.
  21. This is good for new players and good for rich players. Don't see the problem, the MVP hunters still make a profit.
  22. Friggs doesn't have a sprite either, neither does Fshield.
  23. If you're more skilled than a geared player you will be able to beat that person with Legendary gear, even if he has full gear.
  24. Really care that much about how your weapon looks? You quested a almost donation like weapon, why care if it has a sprite or not? I'd rather use sprite-less equips if it gave more stats.
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