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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. If they would just watch over 1 or 2 WoE, it would honestly clear out most of the BN users. Im not asking for every WoE, but just a few woes to weed them out.
  2. Honestly just tired of these LK's using BN and getting away with it because no one cares enough to record WoE or because it makes them lag. Would be nice if a GM overlooked WoE so they could see the abuse going on and put a stop to it because honestly its getting out of hand. LK's doing 10 BB per second, WS CTing as fast as they auto attack, also possibly put a delay on Safety wall for WoE. Pretty dumb how a guild can defend against 10 sinx by just using safety wall, while having pallies on the emp using gospel to give them 0 atk to make sure it doesn't break.
  3. Magnum break doesnt change your weapon property, it gives unblockable fire damage dont really know how to explain.
  4. After you donate the items are usually placed on your account within a 24 hour period, sometimes it takes longer sometimes it takes less time. Try messaging GM Genesis on skype to confirm your order went through.
  5. Welcome
  6. Changing the scenery doesn't change PVP, there are plenty other maps that you can pvp on, adding one more does nothing but as I said spread out players which makes the server look more dead having 5 ppl in go 15, 6 ppl in go 13, 10 ppl in prt_in, instead of just having everyone in for fild. Your reasoning is because its better suited? The background barely changes how a person plays unless you're an LK or ninja maybe theres another class I forgot to list but its very limited. Dont get upset because someone has a different opinion than you, grow up.
  7. Just telling you guys no need to tell me sorry xD
  8. Try not to name other servers, pretty sure its bannable.
  9. Higher vit defense the target has the more damage thana does. Thats how thana works. Emp is boss/angel/holy, figure out your own card combo and goodluck.
  10. -1 .go 13 is already a PK map that is small, dont see why we need another one and so is prt_in and for fild and pretty much any map since this is a PK server. Adding PK to another map will just spread out the players who pvp instead of having them all at for fild.
  11. No such thing as dex type breaker, you cant miss on emp unless holy property or your guild is lvl 1.
  12. Im not fucking up the economy its all supply and demand, if no one is selling thana and everyone is buying, why wouldnt I try to get more for my card? Dont get mad at me because you dont understand the market.
  13. Things change, nothing stays the same price.
  14. Goodluck guys.
  15. abyss_03 treasure chest, welcome
  16. 2.2k
  17. It would expand the amount of people you could sell to, then no one would buy Fsets because why bother buying it for 90 a piece when you can get it for free? I didnt say it would ruin it, I said it would damage it. They're already saving 90 a piece by voting for the Fset, the VE should be exclusive to people that paid to get their Fset.
  18. Then you take away an expansion that could of been a donation, and be sold for tokens or traded for items especially if it becomes popular.
  19. On holy properties, yes but you wont be able to see the bonus damage since you are only able to see 32676
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