Just because someone is selling an item over market price doesnt mean you have to buy it. Its the people buying the item that raise the market price, if you refuse to buy it the seller will lower his price. The item is only worth what someone is willing to pay
SELLING (Can buy separately or as full set)
- White Helm of Darkness
- Whitesmith Blessed Jacket
- Thors
- Thana
- Purple/Orange/Green Emp
pm Not Fatal or BodyBag
Granted, but the volleyball became deflated and a plane crashed onto the sea near the island and soon became inhabited kinda like the T.V. show Lost.
I wish I couldn't feel any type of pain.
Theres already is a promotion for headgear, buy 3 get 1 free. As for weapons and other equips as such I think would be good deal but nothing too crazy that will shake up the eco lol.
Abysmal Knight cards do work, I have tested on other servers with an Emp room. Unless they went out of their way to change emperium to nonboss monster somehow, it should work
-1 i like the idea of new valk helms but these are ugly imo and are overused on plenty other servers, we should try and stand out and not try and blend
I downloaded the HWmonitor thing and it shows the temperature values slowly rising as I play games over the max and sooner or later the laptop turns off. Is there another way to stop it besides buying a stronger fan in my laptop?...
Could you help me out cause same thing happens to me but unlike him it happens whenever I play online games now (RO/League/Etc), it has never happened to me before. It doesnt happen unless I have a game open.