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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR you could stop buying the items theyre selling OP, if they dont sell it they will lower their price.
  2. Hes on the map after you finish GOH raid now please dont revive any more dead topics
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  4. 2300
  5. ill buy the O.emp pm Not Fatal ingame
  6. 2250 pm Not Fatal
  7. No discount, and offer =)
  8. Your problem is that youre using expansion had with vote set. They dont work. You can either have Expansion hat with donation fset or full vote set including helm.
  9. 10,001
  10. n0p3
  11. 69 tokens
  12. You kinda missed the part where he asked "Which is much better? Why? Can you elaborate it carefully?"
  13. the "divisible thingy" grants an attack boost. So 297+177 dex is better than 300+177 dex
  14. Kiel 85 GTB 30~ TaoG 80~90 Skoll 8~ TG 40~45 Tanee 8~ Inca 10~ Jackets/Drake are worth less than rings so i suggest if youre planning on donating get the Infernal cape instead. No idea on how much the drake capes go for but infernal capes go from 1600~1800(tokens)
  15. This is much like a monopoly, which is illegal. Basically hes manipulating the economy which makes it hard for noobs to obtain common MvP cards. For example if theres 900 kiel cards in server and 1 person owns 850 and the other 50 are spread among random players, all the new players have to hope the 50 sell theirs for a decent price or buy the kiel that is overpriced from the guy that owns 850 of them.
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