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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. camel
  2. run setup as admin change the resolution, then run fkenro as admin and it should work. Happened to me before, if that doesnt work then compatibility check it and check all the boxes except the last and rerun the program and it should work, then run as admin.
  3. 3d1t
  4. Dont think this is good idea, rather they should make it a line/order if this is possible. Lets say Greg BC's 1st and Tod BC's 2nd, then Tyrone BC's 3rd 1 second after Tod. No matter what Greg's BC will go 1st and Last 5~10seconds then Tods will go even if there are other people BCing. This makes more sense to me than having people BC war, even though I dont mind it. I just dont like when I get BC'd over by MvP summon rooms opening or new characters being made...
  5. wew mia wasnt da 1st to ram his butthole. wonder how many time dis happen to demi
  6. bump
  7. bump
  8. bump
  9. 3d1t
  10. bump
  11. 3d1t
  12. bump
  13. pm me ingame i dont check forums too often
  14. y3p
  15. ThePerfectHit


    BUYING - Orange / Green / Purple Emp SELLING - Thana [4.4] - SInx Curse [2.5] - LK Bless SET [3.8] - Skull Hood [1.5] PM me ingame Not Fatal or BodyBag
  16. Only problem I have with euro woe is that the emp is crowded last min, extremely hard to find emp even if you adjust your screen, maybe make emp a little bigger?
  17. And as for the rooms? Theres one pvp room in particular thats a bit ridiculous in terms of how many places there are to run and hide and a person could just relog when losing a fight...
  18. bump
  19. bump
  20. bump
  21. +1 , Made valid points
  22. Of course its expensive to get geared, if the person wanted a server where he could get geared in a day or week then he should play a SHR. It just takes time, it makes sense the players that have been here longer are way richer than ppl that have been here a few months.
  23. Thats their fault for not being patient, if they are upset at the prices, dont buy. People will lower if their items arent selling.
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