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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. drill
  2. No, this will hurt the economy for the people that hunt zeny. The only real use of zeny right now is for summoning MVPs and BCing. By making tokens usable on mvp summoner it will make zeny less useful on the server and will only be used for BC.
  3. (Twice this baller from Africa...) tripped
  4. Selling - - Blue Emp - Champ Bless SET - Dorcus - about 250 etokens - Paladin Cursed - Sinx Cursed SET (2ohels) - Proff Cursed SET (Highness or Voluspa or both) - Voluspa - Freyr Gauntlets (Ifrits/Dex Runes) - Dex Runes - +10 LTD Purple Noble Buying - - Thana - 2 Lknux (20 or 45 for two) - Fsets (Need 3 or 4) - Friggs - Champ Bless Ring - Blue Shiba Inu Hat - Ltd Box/Token ________________________________________________________________________________ Post here , pm me on forums, or pm me ingame doesn't really matter. *If you lowball me ill just ignore you and won't sell you my item even if you make a decent offer later.
  5. yeah this james guy messed it up already, if you can't speak English properly you shouldn't be trying to post here... Let's start over Twice this...
  6. What you're about to read is so ironic viewer discretion is advised. illuminati. to - OverLoad - : "worse champ ever need dispell and lax to win" (obviously means lex)
  7. this
  8. "really good gears to join" I'm assuming you're a champion by your previous post so you can vote a full FSET, CAPE, FBH aura. Buy Legendary weapons and gauntlets. These items are so close to the real donation items the difference is minimal any guild that doesn't take these players are dumb. Only thing that 1 ups a cape is a ring and not by much. Only 2 auras that 1 up a FBH for champ is Emp and LHZ. Only weapon that 1 ups a lknux is dorcus. Only thing that 1 ups gauntlets are the actual belts or slotted accessories. The difference between the 1 ups are minimal. You can literally vote your way to be more than half geared. Literally the only thing you can't vote for is your weapon and accessory. There's nothing to complain about.
  9. No such thing as NEED in this game, it's all based on wants. The only thing you NEED to pvp is a character level of 50 and higher. Fixed, no need for your ">.>" not like it was a huge error in my argument, or an error at all. My argument still remains valid whether that is there or not.
  10. People will sell an item for what they want, it's your choice if you want to buy it or not. You think it's overpriced? Don't buy it, simple as that. Hunt your own EOF or find a person that will sell it for a reasonable price. We already have the new/revamped MVP Room which have lowered the prices of MVP Cards or you can hunt it yourself. It also increased the market value of zeny, so you could always hunt that if MVPing isn't your thing. If hunting isn't your thing you could always WoE for salary, don't complain about how you're not geared enough because you can vote for a full donation set(Fset), FBH aura(20 all stats), and a lower(Capes which are also donation items). This is enough gear for a guild to hire you to WoE for them which each guild pays around 50 tokens more or less. This should pay for your legendary gear which you can use to try and pvp ladder or continue WoEing for money. Sure it's a slow way but this isn't a SHR where you get everything you want at an NPC for free.
  11. 1. Wizard/Sniper 2. Abyss_03 / Fdun pass / WitherlessRose 3. They are talking about tokens, you start the server with 10k zeny so everyone would be rich if that was the case. 4. Priest are only good if geared and well played.
  12. It's called Memory Of Thanatos Card, unless that kid was just completely ungeared. Either way you need basically the same gear to be DS as FAS sniper. 3kiels, lbow or SB, dex belts or freyrs, 2fbh, 2pouring 1pouring/skoll. I don't play sniper, just use it in GvG and do better then most of these guys on the server nowadays.
  13. Raise by another Knight set.
  14. Knight Set
  15. They made these capes vote-able to help the newbies since they can settle for capes because they cannot afford rings. Plus legendary weapons are close to the real thing, no need to make valk weapons vote too...
  16. Already did forum so im just going to do Aerofox = azderfofox
  17. Champion - Yukumaru Other classes are obsolete.
  18. This title mislead me. In case you didn't know here's the definition of Nerf: To make worse or weaken, usually in the context of weakening something in order to balance out a game.
  19. Crit Breakers- 1. Ohki Thana- 1. Fatal. 2. Fatal. 3. Fatal. 4. Fatal. 5. Fatal.
  20. If you're going to add black, might as well add Orange too.
  21. "he KOS me because he cant beat me LOL!" -Random Pinoy 2014
  22. I'll agree to this if they make a pre-existing expansion that doesn't sell well to vote, such as Majestic Horns. If you want a stylish one you should have to pay for it, its a luxury item just like the nicer colored emperiums.
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