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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. He did say "is normally nulled", this being a private server it's probably edited so you would be able to stack over 100%. This is why people need to test things on their own(like you did) and not just listening to everything they hear.
  2. That's what I'm talking about, even though he's probably being sarcastic, don't ask others for guide just test it yourself.
  3. Don't listen to these breaker guides/builds take a few things away from them such as glooms/fbh/weapons(not cards). Do the testing on your own, I found myself listening to people on blind faith before saying their combo is good and Iv'e tried many of them until I decided to make and test my own and finally found a combo that works and broke 6 times in euro before the 25min mark. If you want something that works or want to find the best combo, test it for yourself trust me a lot of these people posting guides just put stuff on there and they haven't even tested it themselves(not saying plok specifically just generalizing). Not to say that's impressive but the fact some of the breaks were over 2 guilds at once 1handed 1gloom. If that's not insane, I don't know what is.
  4. You, since you mentioned allowing smaller guilds to conquer. If lag is the problem can be solved easily by using /effect, if you're still lagging I suggest getting a decent computer since ragnarok is an old game and has really low PC requirements.
  5. WoE is supposed to be team based, solo breakers do still sometimes come out on top. It's all about strategy, keep WoE the way it is.
  6. Welcome.
  7. Do you have the asgards for sale aswell?
  8. I am so lost, honestly can't even understand what you're saying. "why are old player's so Puffy?" What does that even mean? And how does that have to do with anything about this suggestion?
  9. If you tested emperium and ROP, they're virtually the same. The only reason emperium is preferred is because the 5int helps with asura builds and the 5 agi/dex helps save points to be used elsewhere. The reason champions can't use ROP is because they cause gravity errors, which is why they are no longer allowed to wear them, not because the admin thought it would be a good idea to not have champions wear ROP. So -1 to the suggestion, just makes emperium more dominant than it already is and devalues LHZ.
  10. Holy shit 2nd time doing double break, so intense. Those are the WoE's that keep me playing.

  11. Yeah, that's mainly why I disagreed to giving out sets seeing as how I have 3 accounts all made around 2009 so I would be able to claim multiple sets and it would also devalue the sets people currently own ingame that they have earned to spent tokens on. Colored names I see your point, but honestly can a person be that gullible? We all know GM's have yellow names, their parties are yellow, and they are all in the same guild. But I guess it is bound to happen or someone is going to scam the system and say it happened to them. The aura idea came to mind because I always see these rare unreleased headgears I wish I had but actually have no use stat-wise, so having an aura that's untradeable and bound to your account would be great for old players like me especially having same stats as emperium aurora.
  12. This seems like a much better idea, if you think about it the people who have been playing for 4years+ would already have a set like that and wouldn't mean much to them. Personally I'd like the colored name more or maybe a unique aura only for the people who have been playing for a long time. Also making it untrade-able would be good so it's not available to the others who haven't been here as long.
  13. I have 2 personal projects i'd like you to commit time into, might need you to make a few until I find the one I really like, but i'd be willing to pay tokens. I'll private message you my skype so we can talk if you're interested.
  14. There are etokens being given out constantly by automated events and GM hosted events, such as LMS, Catching the Poring, GvG, etc. You just need to be on for them and win them, it's up to the people if they decide to sell the e tokens having a GM give out more to decrease the value doesn't help.
  15. That's in renewal that you're able to edit your hotkeys. I miss that too don't worry but it's not hard to get used to this BM. Type /bm and row 1 becomes z - . , row 2 becomes a - l , row 3 becomes q - o Took me 2 weeks or so to get used to new BM and it's keys.
  16. Silver MVP cards have a reduced affect from it's original counter-part.
  17. Welcome.
  18. If you we're IP banned it would same something similar to like "This IP Address has been blocked by Gamemaster".
  19. Machoman sunglasses, it's an item you get from activity tokens(being online). Enables lvl5 Falcon Eyes.
  20. Just ignore it, if you're truly not trolling nothing can be done. If you really want that name just make sure people know you are different people so nothing bad done can come back to you.
  21. Could try farming Chivalry, there will always be that one lazy person(myself included) who has money to spend and rather buy them, than hunt them himself. 1k is equivalent to 7 or 8 tokens I believe, not really sure about the current rate but it doesnt take longer than 30mins/1hour to farm.
  22. Well there has to be some downside to being a solo guild or everyone would do it right? I personally think WoE is fine right now, ofcourse I miss the old days with defending castles possible the ENTIRE WoE or atleast the last 30mins but as the server changes so does the playstyle. Last WoE was pretty fun and intense for my guild competing with Premonition for prontera and out breaking them, then ecalling to alde for a chance at 2 castles but unfortunately didn't happen. As for the 7~10mins of no action that's just strategy, guilds saw it best to try and set up so that they are more likely to break within the last 5mins and have a good defense to back it up. Solo guilds are almost nonexistant now since guilds like Premonition can just kill off your 1~5 members with pure force/tarot/etc . Now you are more likely to see guilds of 10~ members since you still are able to have a decent line of defense and still possible out break bigger guilds. As for lowering Emperium HP I don't really see how that solves anything, the bigger guilds don't even let you near their emperium anymore with all their traps and safety walls, all this would do is hinder the solo sinx who did break the emperium at 58:30 and make it so he has no way to defend and his emperium just breaks in 30~45 seconds since he cannot do anything. TL;DR Keep WoE the way it is.
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