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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. Call yourself a veteran after only been playing here a few or even a couple weeks?
  2. Even if this is passed still can't deal more than 32k tokens at once, so even in big deals this is still a problem.
  3. The soul link stops them from using other classes weapons, still doesn't fix the bug that they can wear capes from other classes.
  4. Welcome.
  5. You're asking for the healer to be moved, so no I don't agree with you and there is a -1 and it's mine.
  6. 2 in one night, I feel more coming. Now it's only a matter of time.

  7. Why not move the kafra to where the healer is instead? The healer is in a much nicer position then the kafra is, instead of moving the healer to a more dull position. Also it does affect gameplay if I ever want to use that town for any reason.
  8. Most likely won't be getting the items back unless you have real hard evidence that you had the items AND that your character was deleted while wearing those items. I'm sure you weren't recording or anything during the time it happened, so that will be very hard to prove, but good luck anyway.
  9. No one sells GvG Emperiums or Tokens really so the price is whatever that person is asking for and also depends on how much you're willing to pay for it. I wouldn't spend more than 10k for white just because in my opinion is plain and boring, but some people might disagree or say I'm low-balling.
  10. In that case -1, I don't like the new position you're suggesting for Healer.
  11. You don't use the suggestion thread for this, you submit a ticket and wait for Genesis to respond.
  12. I'm assuming you're talking about Firelocks vs Tanee/FBH. Firelocks give more HP since the card gives 10% HP if your boots are +9/+10. The SP cap for asura is 6k so once you have 6k sp, any sp above that will have no affect on your asura. The reason people use Tanee is so they can put a FBH and still have 6k sp cap. FBH adds 50% more damage to demi-human but takes away 50% of your sp and tanee sacrafices HP in order to increase your maximum SP. So with this combo your damage is higher than Firelocks but your HP is decreased. I hope this clears things up for you.
  13. There's no spanish dominant guild but Trilla does have 1 or 2 people in it that speak spanish.
  14. Wrong section, and just because someone is rich doesn't mean they're good.
  15. I don't know the stats on that blade, but SBK is based off of the ATK of the weapon. So if that weapon gives the more attack then say Forsaken Dagger or Oriental Dex Sword, then yes would be next best thing.
  16. It's a shame you guys didn't get a castle, but there's always next WoE.
  17. You know you don't have to log on and sit there right? There's other games out there, or better yet go outside? Do something else with your life for the time being?
  18. https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?product=loki-cursed-blades-blue4
  19. Go to fcity and walk straight up and talk to the King, or @warp for_king.
  20. Honestly makes me sad that idiots like you are actually allowed to post on forums. You're replying with nonsense and not even giving a valid point as to why you're -1 ing it. Not to mention this is a bug in the first place and shouldn't even be allowed.
  21. Ohki said he already tried to make a ticket about the bug abuse and that they said to make a suggestion for player feedback, which doesn't make sense since it's not supposed to be wearable on SN in the first place.
  22. Was obviously removed for a reason, no class should be able to have have -100% cast delay.
  23. I don't even understand what you're asking.
  24. This is a bug and should be reported in tickets, and if I'm not mistaken you get rewarded tokens for reporting bugs, so yeah.
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