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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by ThePerfectHit

  1. The vanberk is used for the +2 str since you cannot +10 mid/lower donation items.
  2. Today I mourn for fRO. http://puu.sh/gbmEY/21b5dc496f.jpg
  3. The grammar level on this site is slowly decaying.

  4. You're only suggesting this because you're laddering, if you cared at all you would've suggested this months, even years ago. *Side-note : The topic title doesn't make sense.
  5. Who is AJ? Because that wasn't her name lol.
  6. Only 1 Black Imperial Helm exist and the person that owns it no longer plays the server. http://gyazo.com/7391b45f151b7810c649a165f1419a43
  7. Haven't seen anyone do this besides me and like 2 others since Scrub played, but good point.
  8. Things do get done, it's just disgusting how long it takes for them to ACTUALLY GET DONE. For example it took video proof and major community support to get the parry skill removed from being used with Freyr's blade(which shouldn't of been possible in the first place). Then after a month they decided to accept the suggestion and took ANOTHER month to implement it, NOT TO MENTION, they half assed it and forgot to remove parry off of the Legendary blade which Drew predicted and reminded them moments after the update came out, but let's not get started with this. Now this isn't a rant, I understand the staff is busy trying to make new cute expansion hats, because that's what I hope for every update, Kappa. As for the topic suggestion itself, you cannot prepare for every situation when it comes to group fights. I would rather it be so you cannot dispel cart boost, this way it still allows other classes to outplay Whitesmith, such as the use of Punk card. I know most of you probably don't even know what that card does and are searching/RMSing it right now, but this is the best resolution to me. You can always stat for decrease agi or use awakening pots, but being able to dispel cart boost seems like the biggest downfall of this class on this server.
  9. Done with this server, if I know you and we're cool and you want to know any secrets that I have just skype me or pm me on forums. 8)

  10. Crazy to think how "lucky" these people get. Something has been fishy for awhile now.

  11. Good luck.
  12. The purpose of my stream was to have new players or players that want to watch actually be able to watch the event, but The Man has denied access to link you guys on the forums so I won't stream.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ProRenegade


      That sucks dude :/. I actually enjoyed watching your stream

    3. Aerofox


      Seriously? :/ That really sucks.

    4. qperteplex


      So thats why I couldnt find it. I was gonna bump it while the server is down. LOL.

  13. -1. I've only seen a few wizards but, I don't think their lack of attention is due to GTB. From what I've heard, from people that actually play wizard, is that they need an HP bonus and Stave damage boost. This change would make GTB only used to block coma and dispel, which is mostly used for nowadays anyway.
  14. Besides what was already stated, making bottles unlimited reduces the need for zeny which hurts the market in the long run. It is already mainly only used for 2 things (BC and recarding) so leave it the way it is.
  15. Don't forget to change your guild.
  16. This is not something you just suggest and if everyone agrees to it, it will happen. The only way this will happen is if all the farmers get together and all agree to refuse to sell their seed tix at 5:1 and only 4:1, which won't happen since people are greedy and will just take over the market while you refuse to sell. Moving this to the suggestion part of forums will do nothing and sorry to say but, this is a useless topic.
  17. Why is this topic even still alive. It clearly says "active" and all the currently "active" champions are complete trash when compared to the older ones and none are worth mentioning.
  18. If you still speak to them, tell them I said Hi. They never log on skype anymore.
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