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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by ShadeIromatak

  1. ONLY NABS ^-^
  2. Paying 10k toks a reasonable amount PM me if you have I KNOW IT'S OUT THERE SOMEWHERE IGN: ShadeIromatak or Gandolf The Great
  3. Sooo many new suggestions. Can't wait till the updates for a more balanced game ^-^

    1. Yatogami


      Ahahaha!! Can't wait for new Items as well

  4. +1 kinda...I do agree the O sword needs to be improved due to the fact that it is useless if you get dispelled. I haven't tried too many builds with O sword so I can't comment on damage, but I think having a default spell that can not be dispelled would be very beneficial, such as ds is the primary default for sb.
  5. Even before the OP classes there were not many stalkers let alone effective ones. I can count the number of stalkers I have seen on my left hand (I have 5 fingers on that hand) and the number has dropped not due to OP classes, but the fundamental idea that stalker is almost useless in many situations. Damage is low, dispel ruins most stalkers, Strip is pointless due to re-log or fcp, hp very low, the only positive for stalker is it can survive long because of backslide and stealth + gtb combo, but this is essentially pointless if you're ineffective with damage AND defense (strip). All in all stalker is one of the weaker classes if not weakest at this point and needs a buff
  6. +11111111111111111111111111111111 I've been waiting for this forever, just to lazy to make a suggestion ^-^
  7. +1 I'd say its damn near impossible to get top 3 with the way the system is set up that whatever guild has dominance over the PvP room can essentially feed themselves kills by killing their guild mates. A few years ago the kills were not nearly as high as they are today for the top 3 list.
  8. Thanks all I'll try this next time it happens!
  9. Not sure what to do about this snow in November haha! This is at @go 6 btw
  10. +1 I like the vibe of this and the positive response it's getting from the community
  11. He mentions that the losers still get BG rewards, just a significant less than the winners, so even if they lose they get something from it.
  12. Hey how are you doing! I am recruiting for my guild - everyone is welcomed. We Pvp, WoE, have Guild Events, and more! I have been playing for a few years so I have a decent amount of knowledge of the server and our members also. Just pm me in game if you'd like an invite or go 24. IGN: ShadeIromatak or Vincenzo
  13. Hey how are you doing ! PM me in game and i'll help you get to max level and you can join our guild if you'd like ^-^
  14. <3 +1 das so sessy
  15. sorry already sold
  16. Selling or Trading Thana Full Stalker B Set [SB] PvP Toks Freyr's Clean PM me in game or leave message IGN: Vincenzo or Gestas
  17. Welcome ! If you have any questions feel free to pm me at Gestas or ShadeHataka
  18. Can I collect on my PvP toks from a year ago ? I never got them LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadeIromatak


      I was half-way kidding because I didn't think you could, but you just made my day haha! My player is ShadeHataka

      Week 359 (10/30/15) - (11/06/15)
      #1 Evil Monkey
      #2 ShadeHataka
      #3 -C o o k i`e e-            

    3. Specter
    4. Dream


      All right! Just let me know whenever you are available ingame. A simple PM on the forums is enough. :)

  19. This has been the way for as long as I have played RO not just this server. I have been playing for about 10 years. I'm still nub though ^-^ BUT ​*I believe it would make WoE more balanced.​* By making the castles easier to break it would allow for other guilds the opportunities to win a castle and receive drops and expand their guild so the numbers are not amazingly disproportionate between guilds as they are now (due to guilds joining together as I will speak about in the "*" below. The other problem I see with it is how much HP do you want to take from it? How much is too much? How much is too little? ​* ​WoE will be better balanced if there are multiple guilds (as it was in previous servers and this server a few years ago when there were multiple guilds) not just two juggernaut guilds. Due to the merging of guilds and other reasons this has made it harder for the server to grow because WoE is the main attraction piece for Ragnarok and everyone wants to participate, but too many feel left out due to the surge of only 3 main guilds and no smaller or even average guilds to participate resulting in leaving.
  20. ​1: I would like to suggest to be able to convert aloevera into a ticket, such as Yggdrasil seeds, edp, berries, etc. if at all possible to ease trading. ​2: I would also like to suggest that the max inventory for aloevera in the storage be increased if it's possible. Simply put I have 3 accounts* with 90K+ Aloe and it is hard to find places to store it haha! ​I feel like if you made them into tickets that would erase the storage problem, but if not it would be nice to see the increase in storage if at all possible. ​ Thanks! ^-^ ​ *​3 different accounts, not characters, to clarify.
  21. +1 Good for new comers
  22. Hey my IGN is: Gestas I am the Guild Leader of Wall Street I would love to help yah out along the way and show you around just pm me.
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