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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by ShadeIromatak

  1. NP bud ^_^
  2. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/customs/cursed-blessed-ring-effects-r140 Every kinda ring yah need ^_^
  3. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/26958-the-ultimate-plok-guide-to-sinx-breaker/ Best guide known to man - what you do with it is up to you.
  4. I use vanberk's ^_^ +6 str could be the difference in breaking or not and test out beserk - i don't use it but i know a lot of breakers that do just depends on preference and if there is a annoying Azura around, its all about timing. Your build looks pretty on point for a crit just make sure ur crit is at least 104 (i prefer a little more but i also have loki w/ifrit). ANDDD I have i'd say no more than 2 turtle general cards and trade one of ur desert wolfs for another paper ^_^
  5. +1 This is the beautifulest thing I have ever seen
  6. 800 Each or trade ^_^ :th_ph: SOLD :th_ph:
  7. B> 2 F King Shields PM me IGN: Gandolf The Great or Gestas

  8. I feel like that would help to a certain extent but wouldn't address the stealing that happens from time to time. It is too much of a hassle to try to collect items from people throughout the guild especially if people are in different time zones. Makes my job harder and when it hinders us as a farming guild while it hinders those who we farm for too.
  9. - I want to suggest to making the Guild Storage useful by preventing stealing I have been in quite a few guilds since joining the server and in every guild except one the guild storage was not used. The one guild that did use the guild storage had multiple (unidentified) people steal from it on occasion. I suggest a guild announcement every time someone enters, puts in, or takes something out of the guild storage to deter people from stealing and making the guild storage useful and actually benefit the guild. This guild announcement would be like the message it sends when you use @storage ex: "JohnnyTsunami has opened guild storage" and would go out to the guild only. - Not sure if this is a simple fix or complicated just something I would like to change to better guilds thanks ^-^
  10. Anyone know who runs the server? (Ares?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sensation


      I think you're looking for Genesis.

    3. AsBloodRunsBlack
    4. ShadeIromatak


      simple question deserves a simple answer no need to be an ass

  11. Of course i will attempt to pm you but if i can't contact you go 3 and ask for an invite :)
  12. Being the guild leader of such an active and friendly guild is truly a blessing could't of done it without the help of everyone in the guild <3 Side Note: almost done with first Frigg quest :O

    1. Aerofox


      Great to hear, for both stories. c:

    2. AsBloodRunsBlack


      Goodluck shade on frigg quest

  13. Hey we are always looking for friendly people at Wall Street. We are mainly a farming guild right now but that's soon to change ;D pm me in game if u have any questions Gandolf The Great
  14. Just had another GVM (guild vs monster) event and we spawned gloom, pharoh, gr, and angeling.. No cards of course :'(

    1. ProRenegade


      Should've waited till the 2x Weekend

    2. kyoshiro029


      Well st the very least you were able to summon decent monsters.... summoned a Mastering from BB.... :(

    3. Capuccino


      you had fun at least.

  15. Still need me? sorry I have finals this week so the guild farming has been kind of slow - we will be back up too full force Sunday though!
  16. Im just a nub with dreams!

  17. Been thinking of new ways and incentives for the Wall Street Guild and came up with a Guild Shop.. need a little more thought to it before I can elaborate

  18. BUYING LTD BOX Leave IGN and price my IGN: ShadeIromatak
  19. Can you sell w/o runes? With runes: 3.2 w/o: 3
  20. Do you still have loki? ShadeIromatak
  21. Still selling Loki> ? - ShadeIromatak
  22. Did you sell yet? - ShadeIromatak
  23. ShadeIromatak
  24. Buying Loki's clean PURE Leave offer or pm me in game IGN: -ShadeIromatak - Gandolf The Great - Gestas
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