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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by ShadeIromatak

  1. Sometimes it takes a little longer for them to process it or they just haven't seen the order yet. They are pretty quick, it's just a matter of if they have seen the order or not yet. The longest it has taken for me to get an item is two days and the shortest it has taken was 5 minutes haha, so they'll get to you as soon as they can. The best thing you can do is message Jorge on skype [do not spam him please] your characters IGN and the order # that you should have recieved when you purchased sed item through e-mail. Hope this helps ^-^
  2. Just messaged you ^-^
  3. ​Welcome ^-^ ​I'm the guild leader of Wall Street and we are comprised of mainly farmers and friendly peeps. ​My main goal is to help grow the server by helping new comers like yourself. I'd be glad to help you out and answer any questions you have ​My IGN: Gestas or GandolfTheGreat
  4. ​If you're buying bulk ill throw in a discount. * IF YOU BUY [6:1] YOU'RE A BOOB ​- 6k seed tix [5:1] - Unless Bulk than PM me for discount ​- 30k+ Aloevera [100:1]
  5. Join my guild and farm for me and get a weekly salary ^-^
  6. Hopefully for good this time ^-^
  7. Updated* New and improved Check us out!*
  8. Aynone else having problems with the mouse not clicking ? I can teleport and use skills, but have to reset game every time to click 1 time -_-

    1. Danger



      Don't understand your problem completely. But try this and see if helps

    2. p3wp3w


      jst need to alt tab, i guess. happens to me sometimes

  9. If you use a LTD box on Fhelm does it do anything O_o?

    1. c0okiee


      technically u cant use it on fhelm :D

      the Ltd Box gives u imp token which can only be used for imp or Valk Expa

    2. ShadeIromatak


      thought so, thanks haha

  10. ​PM Vincenzo or leave price and IGN here.
  11. Hey! Welcome if you need help with leveling or getting accustomed to the game just give me a shout my IGN: ShadeHataka or Vincenzo
  13. ​> Looking for Sinx/Stalker B set but open to other options... ​>7.2k Pure ​>or OFFER Prefer for you to PM ShadeHataka or Vincenzo or you can LBO and username here. ​Thanks ​^-^
  14. Let's see how much has changed >;D
  15. If you would of read the comments you would of saw that I stated that getting to the emp is not a problem for me ^-^ Therefor your whole argument that is based on my "lack of gear" is invalid.
  16. Don't be mistaken I don't need backslide for my sinx character I can get to the emp no problem im trying to get it enabled for my Stalker haha! The argument is just focused on the sinx due to the advantages it gives sinx apparently.
  17. If you took /bingbing & /bangbang that would negate the efficiency of backslide making it not as useful to get through maps in warp speed haha
  18. Don't repeat something you've already said please -- i'd like other peoples input and I have already heard what you have to say thanks! ^-^
  19. I'll be posted at @go 26 if yah want to send me an invite ;D
  20. I'd like to hear some other inputs obviously we aren't going to agree and that's okay.
  21. As regards to /bingbing & /bangbang the backslide is uncontrollable and tends to go in a random direction when using those and you can still get trapped in a trap using backslide if you run into it unlike snap where you can glide through the world w/o any complications and ASURA every sinx. As far as the killing skill I don't see too many sinx pvping in WoE and don't think it gives them any advantage in battle. Thief's are meant to be sly, shifty, and smart meaning if they get them self into something bad they can get out quick HENCE Backslide ^-^
  22. I still don't understand how breaking an emp and backsliding correlate if they can reach the emp with or without backslide -- and for some emps backslide would prove inefficient, because it would just be easier to walk up to an emp haha
  23. SinX take the majority of damage AT the emp not getting too it. Getting to the emp isn't a problem with or without backslide. I don't understand when people say they can break w/o being touched, because you can hit a sinx or stalker as they backslide a lot easier then a champ that snaps also you still hit the sniper traps that are laid there. Back slide is a KEY skill to the thief's arsenal and taking that away is wrong in my opinion.
  24. you still haven't given a valid reason to why you don't think it should be implemented...
  25. and that reason is..?
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